Archive: Publication Date
Updated 2/20/15
You're welcome to view the Archive for your non-commercial use. The archive includes articles and videos documenting events from the 2008 presidential campaign to the present. Enjoy!
Copyright © 2008
2015 Publications
- Jan '15
- Feb '15
- Mar-15
- Briefs '15
After following through to the end of the 2012 Presidential election and into January 2013, I found it necessary to take a lengthy sabbatical. My attention rightfully belonged to dealing with grief over my father's death and the ensuing family issues. I hope the community will understand.
I wish to continue to honor my father's memory, who as a young man of 19 enlisted in WWII, became part of a special forces unit and returned with eight Air Medals and two Distinguished Flying Cross medals. He believed in freedom and American exceptionalism. So do I.
Now GiftWrappingAir's fight against the liberal media and the political Left continues. I hope you will join us. The Presidential Election of 2016 will be pivotal and we must win.
-- Diane W Collins
3/3 Netanyahu Addresses Joint Session of Congress: Obama - Iran Nuclear deal - GiftWrappingAir
3/3 Netanyahu Addresses Joint Session of Congress: Obama - Iran Nuclear deal - GiftWrappingAir
3/3 House passes Homeland Security funding without immigration restrictions - Reuters
2/26 FCC approves Net Neutrality in Straight Party-line Vote - The Blaze
2/20 A Failure to Confront Evil - Real Clear Politics
2/20 Walker is Immune to Democrats' Class-Warfare Virus - National Review
2/19 Hillary Clinton's Complex Corporate Ties - WSJ
2/19 Conservative Group Hits Jeb for Giving Award to Hillary - The Hill
2/19 Foreign Cash Pours Into Clinton Family Foundation - Miami Herald
2/19 Will Reince Priebus Dump NBC from GOP Debates? The American Spectator
2/17 Judge Blocks Obama's Order on Immigration - The Hill
2/17 Walker's New Fight in Wisconsin - Washington Post
2/16 Egypt Bombs ISIS After 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians are Beheaded - Washington Post
2/11 Obama's War Request Runs into a Brick Wall - The Hill
2/11 Jeb Bush's Digital Push Might Require a Reboot - Real Clear Politics
2/6 The Burr-Hatch-Upton Obamacare Replacement - National Review
2013 Publications
- Jan '13
For our publications during this period go to our Facebook page at GiftWrappingAir
1/23/13 Benghazigate: Covered Senate and House testimony of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton regarding the terrorist attack that resulted in the death of four Americans including Ambassador Christopher Stevens. GiftWrappingAir Facebook
2012 Publications concentrated on the development of its Facebook page, GiftWrappingAir which has grown to over 56,000 Conservatives.
2011 Publications
- Jan '11
- Feb '11
- Mar '11
- April '11
- June '11
- Jul '11
- Aug '11
- Sept-Oct '11
- Weekly Wrap '11
- Briefs '11
"THE WEEKLY WRAP" with Diane W. Collins
World in Turmoil: As the United States Makes Progress at Home, the Middle East Erupts
January 30, 2011
Riots In Egypt: Mubarak Dissolves Egyptian Government; Obama Responds
January 28, 2011
"THE WEEKLY WRAP" with Diane W. Collins
Obama Care: Repeal and Replace or Implement and Improve?
January 23, 2011
House Committees to Develop Health Care Reform Replacement Legislation Despite Liberal Rant
January 20, 2011
House Debate & Repeal of Health Care Reform... Why?
January 19, 2011
House Begins Debate on Repeal of Health Care Reform
January 18. 2011
"THE WEEKLY WRAP" with Diane W. Collins
The Power Struggle: Big Government, Big Labor, Big Business
February 27, 2011
"THE WEEKLY WRAP" with Diane W. Collins
Can We Solve America's Debt Puzzle?
FY 2011 Continuing Resolution vs Obama's FY 2012 Budget
February 20, 2011
"THE WEEKLY WRAP" with Diane W. Collins
The Battle Over the Deficit and Spending; Obama's Foreign Policy
Sunday, February 13, 2011 - limited video this week
Riots In Egypt: Mubarak Steps Down and President Obama Responds
February 11, 2011
"THE WEEKLY WRAP" with Diane W. Collins
The Constitutionality of Obama Care; the Deficit;
Sunday, February 6, 2011 - No video this week
President Obama Addresses America Regarding His Actions in Libya
March 28, 2011
"THE WEEKLY WRAP" with Diane W. Collins
America, a Debtor Nation, Part Two: The Reality of What We've Become, The Effect on What We Do
March 25, 2011
"THE WEEKLY WRAP" with Diane W. Collins
America, a Debtor Nation: The Reality of What We've Become, The Effect on What We Do
March 18, 2011
March 10, 2011
"THE WEEKLY WRAP" with Diane W. Collins
The Power Struggle: Part Two - Big Government, Big Labor, Big Business
March 6, 2011
April 14, 2011
"THE WEEKLY WRAP" with Diane W. Collins
Will We Shutdown the US Federal Government?
April 8, 2011
Senate Majority Leader Reid Blocks Legislation to Avert Shutdown While Protecting Planned Parenthood
April 8, 2011
Speaker Boehner & Republican Caucus Hold to Spending Cuts in FY 2011 Budget
April 6, 2011
"THE WEEKLY WRAP" with Diane W. Collins
America, Are We Moving Toward a Totalitarian State?
April 1, 2011
Coming Soon - Site redesign. Pardon our absence.
Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) Announces Her Candidacy for President of the United States
June 27, 2011
July 29, 2011
July 29, 2011
Debt Crisis: Rules Committee Meets on Tweaked Boehner Plan... Then on to House Floor.
July 29, 2011
Debt Crisis: Boehner's Revised Plan Expected to Pass the House and Move to the Senate
July 28, 2011
Debt Crisis: Boehner's Plan or Reid's Plan, "Who's Zoomin' Who?"
July 27, 2011
Debt Crisis: Republicans Prioritize Debt Payments, "Plan for Best, Prepare for Worst"
July 26, 2011
Debt Crisis: Boehner & Republican Leadership Introduce Two Step Plan While Reid Obfuscates
July 25, 2011
THE WEEKLY WRAP with Diane W. Collins
The Debt Crisis: Harry Reid - Author of Default?
Democrats Strategy Causes Negotiations to Breakdown
July 22, 2011
Debt Crisis:Senate GOP Overwhelmingly Supports HR2560, "The Cut and Balance Act of 2011"
July 21, 2011
Debt Crisis: Senate Debates HR 2560, "The Cut Cap and Balance Act of 2011"
July 21, 2011
July 20, 2011
Debt Crisis: House Passes HR 2560, The Cut, Cap and Balance Act of 2011
July 19, 2011
Debt Crisis: House Rules Committee Debates HR 2560, Cut, Cap, and Balance Act 2011
July 18, 2011
Debt Crisis: Is "McConnell Plus" the New "Slaughter Solution?"
July 18, 2011
THE WEEKLY WRAP with Diane W. Collins
The Debt Crisis: Republicans Work While Obama, Treasury, Dems & Liberal Media Demagogue
July 15, 2011
July 14, 2011
July 13, 2011
Debt Crisis: President Obama Holds Social Security Payments Hostage; McConnell Offers "Last Choice Option"
July 12, 2011
Debt Crisis: President Obama Addresses Nation After Sunday Debt Talks Produce No Results
July 11, 2011
THE WEEKLY WRAP with Diane W. Collins
The Debt Crisis: Raising the Debt Ceiling
July 8, 2011
July 7, 2011
July 6, 2011
July 5, 2011
Weekly Wrap 7-1-11: TIMELINE - Debt Ceiling Debate
THE WEEKLY WRAP: Treasury Secretary Geithner & Raising the Debt Ceiling: "The Boy Who Cried Wolf?"
Friday, July 1, 2011
Announcements: Bachmann wins Iowa Straw Poll; Perry enters 2012 campaign for President
August 13, 2011
The Iowa State Fair: Romney's Showing Strong
August 11, 2012
The Deficit Super Committee: What's in the Mix?
August 10, 2011
The FOMC Policy Statement: Wall Street Reacts
August 9, 2011
The US Downgrade: After Self-Inflicted Humiliation, Some Reprieve
August 8, 2011
THE WEEKLY WRAP with Diane W. Collins
Debt Crisis: "Gridlock in Washington, DC"
August 5, 2011
Debt Crisis: "The Solution, Isn't"
August 4, 2011
THE WEEKLY WRAP with Diane W. Collins
Special Edition - "Debt Crisis: Battle on the Hill"
August 2, 2011
September - October 2011: GiftWrappingAir developed its Facebook Community page. As of 10/26/11 there are 6,781 users. Hope you'll join this community of conservative watchdogs who help to expose the liberal media and the political Left. Make Obama a one term president!
THE WEEKLY WRAP with Diane W. Collins
Special Edition - "Debt Crisis: Battle on the Hill"
August 2, 2011
THE WEEKLY WRAP with Diane W. Collins
The Debt Crisis: Harry Reid - Author of Default?
Democrats Strategy Causes Negotiations to Breakdown
July 22, 2011
THE WEEKLY WRAP with Diane W. Collins
The Debt Crisis: Republicans Work While Obama, Treasury, Dems & Liberal Media Demagogue
July 15, 2011
THE WEEKLY WRAP with Diane W. Collins
The Debt Crisis: Raising the Debt Ceiling
July 8, 2011
"THE WEEKLY WRAP" with Diane W. Collins
Treasury Secretary Geithner & Raising the Debt Ceiling: "The Boy Who Cried Wolf?"
Weekly Wrap 7-1-11: TIMELINE - Debt Ceiling Debate (UPDATED)
Friday, July 1, 2011
"THE WEEKLY WRAP" with Diane W. Collins
Budget Mania: FY 2011 Budget Finalized;
House Passes Ryan's FY2012 Budget
April 15, 2011
"THE WEEKLY WRAP" with Diane W. Collins
Will We Shutdown the US Federal Government?
April 8, 2011
"THE WEEKLY WRAP" with Diane W. Collins
America, Are We Moving Toward a Totalitarian State?
April 1, 2011
"THE WEEKLY WRAP" with Diane W. Collins
America, a Debtor Nation, Part Two: The Reality of What We've Become, The Effect on What We Do"
March 25, 2011
"THE WEEKLY WRAP" with Diane W. Collins
"America, a Debtor Nation, Part One: The Reality of What We've Become, The Effect on What We Do"
March 18, 2011
(Weekly Wrap moves to Friday's)
"THE WEEKLY WRAP" with Diane W. Collins
The Power Struggle: Part Two - Big Government, Big Labor, Big Business
March 6, 2011
"THE WEEKLY WRAP" with Diane W. Collins
The Power Struggle: Big Government, Big Labor, Big Business
February 27, 2011
"THE WEEKLY WRAP" with Diane W. Collins
Can We Solve America's Debt Puzzle?
FY 2011 Continuing Resolution vs Obama's FY 2012 Budget
February 20, 2011
"THE WEEKLY WRAP" with Diane W. Collins
"The Battle Over the Deficit and Spending; Obama's Foreign Policy"
Sunday, February 13, 2011 - limited video this week
"THE WEEKLY WRAP" with Diane W. Collins
The Constitutionality of Obama Care; the Deficit;
Sunday, February 6, 2011
"THE WEEKLY WRAP" with Diane W. Collins
"World in Turmoil: As the United States Makes Progress at Home, the Middle East Erupts"
January 30, 2011
"THE WEEKLY WRAP" with Diane W. Collins
"Obama Care: Repeal and Replace or Implement and Improve?"
Sunday, January 23, 2011
4/8 Deal reached. Shutdown of federal government avoided. Short-term CR (bridge) until Thursday, cuts $2B from FY 2011, includes abortion restrictions on District of Columbia. Reid introduced the bridge as "HR 1363 as amended by Reid/McConnell." Long term CR cuts $40B, has no riders, however the "deal" requires Sen. Reid to allow an up or down vote on defunding of Obamacare and Planned Parenthood.
4/8 Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison introduces S 724, a bill that ensures one thing... if a federal government shutdown occurs, our military will be paid on time with full pay.
4/8 Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell calls for the media to step back and let the leaders work out the negotiations to prevent a shutdown which McConnell believes will take place this afternoon. (Senate floor 10:32 am, central)
4/8 No deal yet. Boehner says no deal on numbers but close on policy differences; Reid say no deal yet but have agreed to $38B in cuts with Planned Parenthood defunding the sticking point. 10:15 am, central.
4/7 Tea Party senator, Mike Lee (R-UT) suggests Obama planned shutdown with ‘malicious’ intent
4/7 House passes HR 910, EPA restrictions. Final vote 255 to172
4/7 Boehner says after WH meeting "no agreement on numbers or policy." Obama says will veto HR 1363. Next meeting at WH scheduled for 7 pm, E.
4/7 House continues to do the work of the people. The "Left-over-Left" continues to deny reality.
4/7 House takes up HR 910 to repeal EPA authority over large industrials, strikes EPA-defined "greenhouse gasses" as pollutants.
4/7 House passes HR 1363, 1 wk CR funding military for FY 2011. Final vote 247 to 181.
4/7 Hoyer requests status quo with "clean" CR at current spending levels, no riders. Rejected. HR 1363 vote shortly.
4/7 House debating HR 1363, 1 wk CR cutting $12B which funds military through FY2011. Dems fighting. Hoyer calls for "clean" CR funding at current levels
4/7 House conservatives unveil alternative 2012 budget with $9.1T in cuts.
4/6 Speaker Boehner and Republican Caucus hold the line on spending cuts. Will offer in House tomorrow a one week continuing resolution, cutting 12B while ensuring military pay. Senate will still need to pass it. President will need to sign it to avert government shutdown.
4/6 House Budget Committee marks up Chairman Paul Ryan's (R-WI) FY 2012 Budget.
4/6 (WSJ) The Muslim Brotherhood said it will join demonstrations this Friday in Egypt—a move that could help th… (cont)
4/6 (Reuters) - The White House said President Barack Obama may hold a second meeting with U.S. lawmakers on Wedne… (cont)
4/6 Wisconsin incumbent judge clings to lead in vote
4/6 Gold hits fresh record-highs, silver at 31-year peak
4/6 Oil near 2-1/2-year peak on Middle East and weak dollar
4/6 thehill What’s in the Paul Ryan budget plan: A point-by-point analysis
4/5 WSJ_Econ Fed’s Bullard to Push for Curtailing QE2 at April Meeting
4/5 Paul Ryan's Youtube video on FY 2012 Budget. Watch this and share it.
4/5 No deal: Boehner and Reid emerge from meeting without reaching agreement on FY 2011 budget. Tomorrow the White House. Hang tough Boehner!
4/5 Speaker Boehner and Sen. Majority Leader Reid currently meeting in Boehner's office regarding FY 2011 Budget conflict.
4/5 Government Shutdowns: History and Effects of Prior Government Shutdowns
4/5 Obama administration moving forward with government shutdown plans
4/5 Obama's remarks on FY 2011 disingenuous. Dem's didn't pass budget when they controlled Congress. All bills they passed were political
4/5 thehill Dems: GOP stopgap with $12B in cuts, abortion restrictions a 'non-starter'
4/5 thehill House GOP introduces one-week stopgap with $12B in cuts
4/4 Eric Holder, Attorney General announces Gitmo trials will be military tribunal. Blames Congress for interfering in Executive branch activities by blocking Gitmo detainees entrance to US. Holds to his view stating he "knows better than Congress," being privy to information Congress does not have.
4/4 Libyan wounded describe "hell" of Misrata
4/4 Yemen toll rises as U.S. said to press Saleh to go
4/4 Parties at odds over deal to avert government shutdown
4/4 Republican Ryan aims for big cuts in 2012 budget
4/4 Special Report: How Libya is a showcase in the new arms race
4/4 U.S. oil hits 2.5-year high, Brent nears $120
4/4 Cusack's article on gov shutdown misses pt. on HR 1255. Otherwise well done.
4/1/11 Oklahoma plan would make it easier to fire teachers
4/1/11 Ohio governor signs anti-union bill
4/1/11 Gaddafi forces storm Misrata, rebels offer truce
4/1/11 Oil slashes gains after U.S. payrolls data
3/28 Senate Dems, White House to offer $20B more in spending cuts
3/28 "Global powers must offer Gaddafi exit route: analysts" What they may allow if Gaddafi survives.
3/28 Syrian forces fire to disperse Deraa protest
3/28 New York governor and lawmakers reach budget deal
3/28 Clinton rules out U.S. Syria involvement. Has she forgotten Israel?
3/28 Obama faces challenge of defining Libya strategy
3/28 Fresh controversy in Wisconsin union bill fight
3/28 Oil down $1 on firmer dollar, Libyan rebel gains
3/28 Highly radioactive water leaks from Japanese nuclear plant
3/25 West strikes Libya forces, NATO sees 90-day campaign
3/25 Radiation fears mount again in Japan after plant workers hurt
3/25 Damascus protesters seized, Deraa chants "freedom" (amateur video)
3/25 Syrian forces kill 20 people in Sanamein: witness
3/25 NATO names Commander General Charles Bouchard, a Canadian as head of NATO forces enforcing the no fly zone in Lybia.
3/25 THE WEEKLY WRAP America, a Debtor Nation, Part Two: The Reality of What We've Become, The Effect on What We Do
3/24 NATO takes over command of no fly zone in Libya action. All 28 countries vote in favor.
3/24 Support dips for California governor's budget plan
3/24 Senior Republican ups criticism of Obama on Libya
3/24 In U.S. poll, 60 percent back Libya military action Humanitarian efforts... but not for everyone, seems to be policy.
3/24 Legislators in three states pass new restrictions on abortion
3/24 Euro bounces as debt woes increasingly priced in
3/24 Durable goods orders fall, job market healing
3/24 At least 25 Syrian protesters killed, hospital says
3/24 U.S. defense chief in Israel in wake of bombing
3/22 Bruising State Dept. press conference held on activities in the Middle East as reporters strove to clarify our position in Yemen, Libya, Syria, et al.
3/22 F-15 fighter jet crashed in Libya. Crew members rescued.
3/22 France wants body outside NATO to head Libya fight
3/22 Power Restored to all Six Units at Japan's Nuclear Plant
3/22 Yemeni opposition rejects gradual transfer of power
3/18 Violence in Bahrain as "tension between Shia and Sunni Muslims in the kingdom" increases.
3/18 Arizona Senate rejects immigration bills.
3/18 Egypt arming Libyan rebels.
3/18 Germany, a counry that voted against the UN resolution may increase Afghan role freeing US for Libya
3/18 Japan considering burying reactor like Chernobyl 1986
3/18 Libya declares cease fire after UN resolution. But, has Gadhafi already accomplished his goal? Should we have acted sooner? Is it an attempt is to delay UN resolution deployment?
3/17 Security Council final vote to establish Libya no fly zone and additional measures needed was 10 favor, 0 oppose, 5 abstain. It passes.
3/17 Senate passes "continuing resolution" to fund government through April 8th. Cuts an additional $6B from FY 2011.
3/17 "The Weekly Wrap" moves to Friday, 7 pm, Central.
3/17 H.R. 1076 introduced in House today to defund National Public Radio (NPR) and use of federal funds to acquire radio content. Passed. Final vote 228 to 192. (Roll Call 192.)
3/17 H. Con Res 28 introduced in House today by Rep. Kucinich to remove troops from Afghanistan. The bill was rejected. Final vote 93 to 321.
3/17 Japan and the yen after disaster.
3/17 Japan dumps water on reactor 3 as situation escalates.
3/17 Bahrain arrests 6 rebel leaders.
3/17 Consumer prices rise.
3/17 California's changing view on public pensions
3/17 Senate expected to pass continuing resolution today.
3/16 The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped by 242.12 points closing at 11613.3. Represents a -2% change.
3/16 New home construction down 22% in February.
3/16 House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform conducted an initial hearing on Transportation Security Administration, TSA Whole Body Imaging.
3/16 Elizabeth Warren testifies before House Financial Services Committee on her role in developing the Consumer Financial Protection Agency, CFPA which was created by the Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Act in 2010.
3/16 House and Senate Committees hold hearings regarding the Energy FY 2012 budget; crisis in Japan and implications for nuclear power in the United States. Secretary of Energy, Chu testifies.
3/16 House takes up termination of Neighborhood Stabilization Program, HR 861. Final vote expected early evening, 5-6 pm, ET
3/15 House passes new three week "continuing resolution" cutting $6B from FY2011. On track with Republican spending cuts. Goes to the Senate. Current resolution ends Friday.
3/15 Japan's crisis continues from 9.0 earthquake, to tsunami, to a potential nuclear melt down, crisis rating raised to 6 of 7.
3/15 Sec. Napolitano introduces new TSA scanners / procedures for airports.
3/15 Saudi Arabia sends troops into Bahrain.
3/13 The Weekly Wrap moves to Friday night, 7 pm, Central.
3/10 Wisconsin state assembly follows state senate and passes bill limiting collective bargaining. Goes to Gov. Walker's desk. Expected to sign into law tonight. (Update: signed 3/11)
3/10 Fears of unrest in Saudi Arabia cause US stock market to drop. Reports of police firing on those protesting in East where oil fields are concentrated. "Saudi Day of Rage" protest set for Friday.
3/10 Wisconsin state assembly battles to pass bill senators put forward last night limiting public sector unions in collective bargaining. Protestors climbed through windows to enter the capitol building today. Unions are threatening strikes (which for many would be in violation of their employment contracts.) The bill is expected to pass the assembly today. Democrats are filing a law suit stating the bill did not meet the twenty-four hour requirement prior to senate passing.
3/10/11 House debates H.R. 830 and H.R. 836, legislation to terminate the FHA Refinance Program and Treasury's Mortgage Emergency Relief Program in that neither has proven successful.
3/10 House Budget Committee hearing on "Lifting Crushing Burden of Debt," 9 am, CST.
3/10 Rep. Peter King, Chairman to preside over controversial House Homeland Security Committee hearing on “The Extent of Radicalization in the American Muslim Community and that Community's Response,” 8:30 am, CST.
3/9 Wisconsin state senators voted to limit collective bargaining. They were able to by pass a quorum requirement by stripping financial appropriations from the budget bill and passing the limitations as separate legislation. Goes to the state assembly on Thursday.
3/9 Senate takes up two "continuing resolutions" addressing FY 2011 spending. Republicans (House passed) H.R. 1 currently cutting $57B (H. J. Res. cuts $4B plus current $57B = $61B target); President Obama's proposal to cut only $6B (actually $4.7B because administration counted non-budget items in emergency spending). Both are expected to fail. The battle continues.
3/1 House passes temporary resolution, H.J. Res. 44 that funds the federal government for the next two weeks and eliminates $4B from the 2011 budget. Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid said he expected the Senate to pass H.J. Res. 44 by Friday. President Obama has indicated he would sign it.
2/28 "Temporary resolution" vote in House expected Tuesday.
2/28 House and Senate back in session at 2 pm, EST following Presidents Day vacation.
2/25 House leaders offer "temporary resolution" continuing the funding of the government for two weeks as the battle over HR 1 moves to the Senate.
2/19 Unrest in Middle East continues spreading to Bahrain, Yemen, Libya, Iran. Streets of Cairo, Egypt quiet today, however, questions continue on type of "democracy" to be established there.
2/19 House passes HR 1 (continuing resolution) which funds the federal government through the rest of FY 2011. Yesterday's session of the House carried over into the wee hours with passage of the resolution at 4:40 am today. HR 1 cuts $61B from the FY 2011 budget over the next seven months. Several important amendments were passed defunding Planned Parenthood, Obama Care, EPA greenhouse emissions regulation, etc. Next, the battle in the Senate. Look for extended coverage in "The Weekly Wrap" on Sunday, February 20th.
2/19 Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI) continues to face off with union leaders regarding the state budget. Today's rallies include those in support of the Governor.
2/18 House votes on HR 1 ammendments continued into wee hours. Remaining in session until 4:41 am.
2/17 House continues to vote on amendments to H.R.1 (continuing resolution). Final vote expected this afternoon.
2/17 House passes Patriot Act Extension as amended. Vote 279 to 153. Goes to President for signature.
2/16 House passes the rule for debating Patriot Act Extension as amended by the Senate. (H. Res. 93, vote 254 to 176)
2/15 Senate passes their amended version of Patriot Act Extension. Returns to House for vote on Wednesday.
2/15 House Continuing Resolution (H.R.1) Passes procedural votes. Comes to the floor for debate and amendments. Final vote expected Thursday or Friday.
2/15 Committee Hearings: House Budget Committee hearing on FY 2012 Budget; Financial Services Committee hearing on effects of Dodd-Frank on derivatives; Senate Budget Committee hearing on FY 2012 Budget.
2/14 Extension of Patriot Act (H.R. 514) expiring provisions. Passes House. This regards access to business records, individual terrorists as agents of foreign powers, and roving wiretaps until December 8, 2011.
2/14 President Obama releases his FY 2012 Budget.
2/14 Protests break out in Iran
2/14 House Rules Committee mark-up of H.R.1, Continuing Resolution set to cut 100B from President Obama's FY2011 Budget.
2/11 Continuing Resolution (H.R.1) introduced by Appropriations Committee. Proposes to cut 100 billion from President's FY 2011 Budget. This replaces the CR that expires on March 4th. Vote expected Thursday or Friday of next week.
2/11 President Hosni Mubarak resigns and leaves Cairo.
2/9 See our moment-by-moment coverage of today's events on Diane's Blog and our Twitter account. (Includes Mubarak and Suleiman's statements; Congressional hearings,...)
2/7 AOL purchases the Huffington Post. Many question the move.
2/7 President Obama addresses the Chamber of Commerce in Washington, DC. Calls for businesses to work together with the government in growing the economy.
2/6 Ronald Reagan's 100th birthday celebrated at the Ronald Reagan Library in Simi Valley. Video tribute at Super Bowl XLV.
2/6 Egypt's VP Suleiman meets with opposition leaders including the Muslim Brotherhood. Concessions made, but Mubarak remains in power.
2/5 High ranking leaders of Egypt's National Democratic Party resign, including Mubarak's son, Gamal. Hossam Badrawy, a liberal was appointed Secretary General of the Party.
2/2 Sen. Stabenow, (D-MI) submitted S Amndt 9 as attached to the FAA legislation in the Senate today. The amendment passed the Senate 81 to 17 with 2 not voting.
Amendment Number: | S.Amdt. 9 to S. 223 (FAA Air Transportation Modernization and Safety Improvement Act) | ||
Statement of Purpose: | To repeal the expansion of information reporting requirements for payments of $600 or more to corporations, and for other purposes. |
2/2 Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell tied S. Amndt 13 to the FAA bill in the Senate today. This amendment is the House passed repeal of Obama Care. The amendment failed 47 to 51 with 2 not voting. Want to see the voting record? Click here.
Amendment Number: | S.Amdt. 13 to S. 223 (FAA Air Transportation Modernization and Safety Improvement Act) | ||
Statement of Purpose: | To repeal the job-killing health care law and health care-related provisions in the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010. |
2/2 Diane's Blog has been upgraded. We are now using The blog will be connected to our Twitter account.
2/2 Senate procedural votes to repeal Health Care Law expected between 5-6 pm, EST.
2/2 Ice storms in Dallas, TX causing rolling "black outs." Service interruptions unavoidable.
2/2 Egyptians react to Mubarak's remarks. Protests turning violent. Mubarak supporters (police?) versus more violent protestors (radicals?). Are common people being caught in the middle?
2/1 Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell announces Republicans will force a vote on Health Care Law repeal Wednesday.
2/1 President Obama reacts to Mubarka's remarks saying, "US stands for democracy. Orderly transition must be meaningful, peaceful and now."
2/1 Murbarak tells Egyptians he will not seek another term as president, but will stay on to implement transitional government. Tells new parliament to amend constitution to allow for broader candidacy. Elections in September.
1/31 Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) and Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) told Bloomberg News they intend to bring the National Debt Commission report to the Senate floor in the form of bipartisan legislation.
1/31 "March of Millions" planned for Tuesday in Egypt as protestors continue to call for Mubarak to resign.
1/31 Obama Care ruled unconstitutional by Florida Federal Judge, Roger Vinson in a case brought by 26 states. Judge Vinson found the "mandate to purchase" in violation of the Constitution; and being the mandate is inseparable from the law, ruled Obama Care unconstitutional. Appeal is expected. Most believe it will go to the Supreme Court in early fall.
1/28 Egypt - Riots and violence in the streets over the past four days led Pres. Hosni Mubarak to dismiss his cabinet and government saying he would appoint a new government tomorrow. Mubarak does not intend to step down and told Egyptians he "takes the side of citizens to express their views." But, Mubarak also vowed to "safeguard the security" of the Egyptian people saying there is a fine line between legitimate protest and riot. After the speech protestors chanted, "Down with Mubarak, down with the regime," indicating the cabinet and current government was not the problem. What happens next depends upon tomorrow. If the "new government" is nothing new and there is violence against the people in the streets of Cairo and Alexandria... everything changes. Mubarak became president of Egypt in 1981 after the assassination of Anwar El-Sadat. Egypt is a key ally to the US in the Middle East and receives $1.5B annually in foreign aide from the US.
1/27 The Senate Budget Committee heard testimony today from Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Director Doug Elmendorf regarding it's annual economic forecast for the federal government's 2011 fiscal year. The new estimate predicts the federal deficit will reach almost $1.5 trillion in 2011.
1/27 Senate debated and voted on S. Res 10, A resolution to improve the debate and consideration of legislative matters and nominations in the Senate. The bill would eliminate "secret holds" by requiring the name of any senator placing a hold on legislation be made public. It would also change how amendments may be brought to the floor and how filibusters are conducted. S. Res 10 failed. Final vote 51 to 44, 5 not voting. Democrats also tried to pass addition rules changes through S. Res. 21 and S. Res 8. Both failed.
1/26 House passes HR 359, To reduce Federal spending and the deficit by terminating taxpayer financing of presidential election campaigns and party conventions. Vote 239 to 160 defeating Peters Amndt and Motion to Recommit with Amendment.
1/25 State of Union Address. President Obama calls to end oil subsidies, pushes paradigm toward green innovation; invest in infrastructure... (wasn't that what the stimulus was for?); supports "implement and improve" not "repeal and replace" for health care... more of the same. Moment-by-moment coverage on our Twitter account with breakdown of major points by page. (Full copy of State of Union address at The Hill.)
1/24 House passes H Res. 38, Reducing non-security spending to fiscal year 2008 levels or less.
256 to 125
1/24 President Obama will deliver his State of the Union address on Tuesday, January 25th at 9:00 P.M. EST. The address will take place in the U.S. House Chamber at the Capitol in front of a joint session of Congress.
1/20 House Majority Leader, Eric Cantor (R-VA) states House agenda for next week includes consideration of H Res. 38, "To reduce spending through a transition to non-security spending at fiscal year 2008 levels." In addition, a bill to cut taxpayer funding to presidential election campaigns and party conventions will be considered. This bill comes out of the "You Cut" program and is estimated by the CBO to save taxpayers $520M.
1/20 House passes H Res. 9 as amended by the Matheson Amndt. Instructs four committees of jurisdiction to begin developing replacement legislation for the House repealed Health Care Reform Act based on the 13 categories listed in H Res. 9.
1/20 House vote on H Res. 9 to instruct committees to begin developing legislation to replace the Health Care Reform Act.
1/19 House Repeals Health Care Reform Act 245 to 189. Reid says he won't take it up in the Senate. House will begin to defund the Health Care Reform Act through HR 38, "To rescind funds appropriated to the Health Insurance Reform Implementation Fund under the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010." (corrected)
1/19 House Rules Committee meets to authorize House Budget Committee Chairman, Paul Ryan (R-WI) to set non-defense, discretionary federal spending limits at 2008 levels setting rules for H Res 38, "To reduce spending through a transition to non-security spending at fiscal year 2008 levels." The rule governing debate of H Res 38 was passed out of committee today. (corrected)
1/19 House to vote to repeal Health Care Reform Act after several hours of debate today.
1/18 House passes HR 292, legislation which states the Government Printing Office will no longer print copies of legislation and resolutions for congressional offices but will supply digital copies instead. Purpose is to reduce costs.
1/18 House resumes at 2 pm, EST to take up HR 2, the repeal of the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010.
1/18 China's President Hu Jintao visits Washington, DC. Yuan "manipulation" controversy top on agenda.
1/12 House considers HR 32, Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives with respect to the tragic shooting in Tucson, Arizona, on January 8, 2011. House adjourned at 6 pm Eastern out of respect for the victims of the attack in Tucson, Arizona. The next meeting is scheduled for 2:00 p.m. on January 18, 2011.
1/11 House considers HR 31, Electing Members to certain standing committees of the House of Representatives.
1/8 Rep. Gabrielle Giffords shot during "Congress on Your Corner" event held in the parking lot of a Safeway grocery store in Tuscon, AZ. Jared Lee Loughner, the gunman was subdued at the scene by courageous citizens. The gunman killed six people and injured thirteen others. Rep. Giffords was shot in the head and remains in the hospital in critical condition.
1/7 House considers HR 26, Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2) to repeal the job-killing health care law and health care-related provisions in the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010; providing for consideration of the resolution (H. Res. 9) instructing certain committees to report legislation replacing the job-killing health care law; and for other purposes. House also corrected the Session-Fitzpatrick situation via HR 27, Representative-elect Sessions and Representative-elect Fitzpatrick were not administered the oath of office pursuant to the third clause in article VI of the Constitution until after the completion of legislative business on January 6, 201. Their previous votes were vitiated.
1/6 House passes HR 22, Reducing the amount authorized for salaries and expenses of Member, committee, and leadership offices in 2011 and 2012. Rep. David Dreier filed reports from the Committee on Rules, H. Res. 9 and H. Res. 26.
1/5 The 112th Congress begins. House conducts business including HR 1, Electing officers of the House of Representatives; HR2, To inform the Senate that a quorum of the House has assembled and of the election of the Speaker and the Clerk; HR 3, Authorizing the Speaker to appoint a committee to notify the President of the assembly of the Congress; HR 4, Authorizing the Clerk to inform the President of the election of the Speaker and the Clerk. HR 5, Adopting rules for the One Hundred Twelfth Congress; HR 6, Electing Members to certain standing committees of the House of Representatives; HR 7, Electing Members to certain standing committees of the House of Representatives; Also HR 8, HR 10, H Con. Res.1, S Con. Res. 1.
2010 Publications
- Jan '10
- Feb '10
- March '10
- April '10
- Nov '10
- Dec '10
- Weekly Wrap '10
- Briefs '10
January 2010
1/29 HOUSE:
Obama Addresses GOP House Issues Conference
Obama's State of the Union 2010: Scolds, Blames, Offers Worn Out Platitudes
Obama Delivers State of Union 2010: Can He Re-energize the Country?
1/27 ENERGY:
Ending Foreign Oil Dependence is Not a Vote Against Free Trade
Obama's Team: The Return of Plouffe, the "Magic Spinmeister"
February 2010
Democrats Break With Fiscal Responsibility, "PAYGO"
Democrats Strategy on Health Care Reform: Talk About "Parts" Not The Sum of the Parts... the Bill
Health Care Reform Summit: Blair House - Afternoon Session
Health Care Reform Summit: Blair House - Morning Session
Health Care Reform: The Summit Strategy - Road to Reconciliation?
2/18-20 POLITICS:
CPAC 2010: Conservative Political Action Conference - Day One, Day Two, Day Three
Obama's 2011 Budget: "Go Arounds" to Circumvent Failed Legislative Initiatives and 2010 Elections
President Opens Offshore Drilling But FY2011 Energy Budget Removes Fossil Fuel Subsidies ...Huh?
Wednesday, March 31, 2010 12:18 PM
President Signs Reconciliation... Touts 68B Student Loan Take-Over Will Benefit Students
Tuesday, March 30, 2010 11:24 AM
Political Agendas... Ideas, Strategy, Results 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010 9:55 AM
Like We Said... Financial Services Reform Is Next
Thursday, March 25, 2010 8:42 AM
Sen. Max Baucus Says, "Vote All Amendments Down!"
Wednesday, March 24, 2010 4:28 AM
Senate Continues Reconciliaton Debate... The Alexander Amendment to Reduce the Cost of Student Loans
Wednesday, March 24, 2010 8:43 AM
Senate Debates Reconciliation Act
Tuesday, March 23, 2010 1:15 PM
President Signs Senate Health Care Reform Bill
Tuesday, March 23, 2010 10:25 AM
Health Care Reform Passes House
Sunday, March 21, 2010 11:25 AM
Stupak Flips over Executive Order
Sunday, March 21, 2010 3:23 PM
House Rules Committee Determines Reconciliation Bill Contents and Process
Saturday, March 20, 2010 10:51 AM
Health Care Reform - The Reality of Reconciliation... Now Add Doc Fix
Saturday, March 20, 2010 7:09 AM
Health Care Reform - The Reality of Reconciliation
Friday, March 19, 2010 2:14 AM
Financial Services Reform... Dodds Bill
Friday, March 19, 2010 8:24 AM
Reconciliation Act of 2010 Pay For?
Thursday, March 18, 2010 11:56 AM
Washington Buzz: CBO Score on Reconciliation... What's Next?
Thursday, March 18, 2010 11:14 AM
Republican Reaction to House Budget Committee Reconciliation Process
Tuesday, March 16, 2010 11:59 PM
House Budget Committee Begins Reconciliation
Monday, March 15, 2010 5:25 PM
Health Care Reform: "The Slaughter Solution" Deems the Senate Bill Passes in the House!
Friday, March 12, 2010 11:58 AM
Health Care: Senate Prepares for Battle over Reconciliation
Thursday, March 11, 2010 10:12 PM
Missed Deadline? Taking the Focus Off Health Care? Press Secretary Gibbs Unknowingly Outlines Democratic Strategy
Thursday, March 11, 2010 2:23 PM
The $15B Jobs Bill, Then $10B Jobless Benefits, Now Big Sister: HR 4213, "Tax Extenders Act of 2009" Moves Forward in Senate
Tuesday, March 09, 2010 9:47 PM
Health Care Reform: Pelosi Style... The Dirty Thirty-one
Saturday, March 06, 2010 3:04 PM
February Unemployment Numbers: America remains at 9.7% Unemployment...
Friday, March 05, 2010 4:48 PM
$15B Jobs Bill Debated on the House Floor: We All Need a Laugh!
Thursday, March 04, 2010 4:34 PM
President Obama's Health Care Reform Proposal: Onion Skin Covering Current Senate Bill
Wednesday, March 03, 2010 1:06 AM
Unfunded Jobless Benefits: Democrats Face "PayGo" Jim Bunning Up at Bat
Tuesday, March 02, 2010 7:10 PM
House Debates Status of Puerto Rico... 2010 Votes?
April 29, 2010, 10:31 am, CST
Financial Reform: Impasse Broken, Republicans Guaranteed Opportunity for Amendments
April 28, 2010, 5:27 pm, CST
Reid Reverses: Now Climate Change Bill Bumps Immigration Reform
Tuesday April 27, 2010, 8:14 pm, CST
Financial Reform: Democrats Try Again for Cloture
Tuesday, April 27, 2010, 2:09 pm, CST
Financial Reform: Democrats Draw Line in Sand, Push Cloture
Monday, April 26, 2010, 2:17 pm, CST
Political Agendas - The Balancing Act
Thursday, April 22, 2010 10:38 AM
Financial Reform - It's the Bill, Stupid!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010 9:11 AM
International Space Station - America Hooks a Ride, We Lose
Friday, April 16, 2010 11:53 AM
Lame Duck Session Two: Obama Discusses Agenda
Senate Republicans Announce Leadership for 112th Congress
November, 16, 2010
The Weekly Wrap: The Lame Duck Congress: Negotiate... Stalemate... Hijack?
November 14, 2010, 11:30 am, CST
Historic GOP Wins in House, Strong Gains in Senate & State Governors Races!
November 3, 2010
The Lame Duck Ends with Short-term Funding & Pretense of National Security
December 26, 2010
The Lame Duck Session Gets Down to Business
December 19, 2010
Senate Votes on START Treaty in Rare Sunday Session
December 19, 2010
December 16, 2010
Sen. McConnell to Offer One Page "Clean Continuing Resolution" in Opposition to the $1.1T Omnibus
December 16, 2010
Senator Tom Coburn Offers "Paid For" Amendment to Tax Cuts Extension Package in Senate Today
December 15, 2010
Senate Democrats Answer to "Continuing Resolution"...$1.1T Omnibus Spending Bill!
December 14, 2010
Senate Moves Forward on Tax Cut Extension Package: Next... "The Continuing Resolution."
December 13, 2010
The Tax Cuts Extension Package: Will Boehner Pay the Ultimate Price?
December 12, 2010
Reid-McConnell Amendment 4753 and supporting amendments: Full Text
December 12, 2010
Reid-McConnell Amendment: Senate Moves Tax Cut Deal Forward
December 9, 2010
President Responds to Criticism of Tax Deal
December 7, 2010
President Obama Compromises: Bush Era Tax Cut Deal Now Goes to Congress
December 6, 2010
Tax Deal? President Obama Talks Compromise...
December 6, 2010
The Weekly Wrap: Lame Duck Congress - Session II, "What Do You Win, When You Win?"
December 5, 2010
National Debt Commission Final Report... No Formal Vote, Yet Compelling Voice
December 3, 2010
House Passes Bush Tax Cuts Extension for Middle Class Only... Now What?
December 2, 2010
"THE WEEKLY WRAP" with Diane W. Collins
The Lame Duck Ends with Short-term Funding & Pretense of National Security
December 26. 2010
"THE WEEKLY WRAP" with Diane W. Collins
The Lame Duck Session Gets Down to Business
December 19, 2010
"THE WEEKLY WRAP" with Diane W. Collins
The Lame Duck Congress - Session II, "What Do You Win, When You Win?" (video)
December 5, 2010
"THE WEEKLY WRAP" with Diane W. Collins
TSA's Invasive Procedures & Napolitano's Ultimatum (video)
November 21, 2010
"THE WEEKLY WRAP" with Diane W. Collins
The Lame Duck Congress - "Negotiate... Stalemate... Hijack?" (video series)
November 14, 2010
"THE WEEKLY WRAP" with Diane W. Collins
Tea Party Express & Palin: Leaders Take Responsibility... Not Just Credit (video)
November 7, 2010
"THE WEEKLY WRAP" with Diane W. Collins
SPECIAL EDITION: "Winning in Deep Blues: A Conservative Way Forward in 2010." (video series)
October 28, 2010
"THE WEEKLY WRAP" with Diane W. Collins
The California Governor Race (video series)
October 17, 2010
"THE WEEKLY WRAP" with Diane W. Collins
Races in Three Deep Blues: Connecticut, Delaware, & California (video series)
October 10. 2010
12/22 111th Congress has come to an end. Senate has adjourned "sine die."
12/22 House passes 9/11 Health Compensation Bill. Goes to President
12/22 Twitter went down when START Treaty was ratified. In process it wipes out all our followers! To continue to be updated you'll need to return and "re-follow." Sorry, Twitter did it!
12/22 Senate ratifies START Treaty 71 to 26.
12/22 Senate passes 9/11 Health Compensation Bill
12/22 House passed Defense appropriations bill Goes to President.
12/22 President signs repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."
12/22 House in session 11 am, EST. Yesterday at 7:35pm EST the House passed the "continuing resolution" HR 3082 with S 4835. Funds to 3/4/11
12/22 Senate passes Defense Appropriations Bill as amended by the Levin-McCain Amndt through unanimous consent order. No objection. McCain states controversial elements have been removed, on essentials remain.
12/21 FCC passes rule on net neutrality
12/21 Census Bureau releases 2010 information.
12/21 START Treaty cloture vote succeeds in Senate, 67 to 28. Treaty ratification proceeds. Potential vote Wednesday. Republicans who broke rank and voted for cloture are Alexander, Corker (TN), Bennett (UT) Brown (MA), Collins, Snowe (ME), Isakson (GA), Lugar (IN), Murkowski (AK) Voinovich (OH)
12/21 The "Continuing Resolution," HR 3082 with S 4835 passes 79 to 16. It goes to the House today. Continues 2010 funding levels with increases to veterans and education through 3/4/11
12/21 Corker Amndt 4904 would codify President Obama's language (from letter on missile defense) into the ratification of START Treaty. The resolution of ratification is called the Lugar - Corker resolution, so support is no surprise. The naivety of Corker on the Financial Reform Bill in working with Sen. Dodd seems to have extended to his work with Sen. Kerry in ratifying this START Treaty.
12/21 Senate will begin voting on three items at 2 pm, EST. These include nominations / appointments; the funding mechanism (continuing resolution); and cloture vote on START Treaty. Sen. Reid stated he hoped to finish matters by Wednesday, December 22nd.
12/21 Senate votes to proceed on the funding mechanism for the federal government which is reported to provide funds through March 4, 2011. The pertaining legislation is HR 3082 as amended by S 4885.
12/21 Sen. Alexander expresses his support for START Treaty ratification based in part on a "promise" from President Obama to fund a Nuclear Modification Plan.
12/20 Senate adjourned. Resumes on Tuesday, December 21st, 9:30 am, EST
12/20 Sen. Kerry also stated the intention to invoke cloture on the START Treaty on Tuesday after the disposition of the continuing resolution.
12/20 Sen. Kerry filed cloture on Appropriations Bill, HR 3082 as amended by S 4885. The vote will take place at 10:15 am, EST, Tues., 12-21.
12/19 Sen. Reid filed cloture on appropriations measure, HR 3082 with amendments 4887, 4888 and 4889. The vote will take place no later than Tuesday in that the existing funding measure expires. In addition, Reid filed cloture on the START Treaty stating the Senate would stay in session as long as it takes to ratify the treaty.
12/19 Risch Amendment 4839 fails 32 to 60. The amendment sought to change the language of the treaty preamble to include "tactical weapons." See our story here.
12/18 Senate passes repeal of "Dont Ask, Don't Tell" 65 to 31. Goes to President for signature.
12/18 Cloture vote to repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" passes. It will be brought to the Senate floor for a vote during the lame duck session of 111th Congress. UPDATE: Vote will be 3pm, EST
12/18 Dream Act fails to move forward in Senate.
12/17 Temporary funding bill passes the House. Goes to Senate. More later.
12/17 President Obama signs Tax Cuts Extension Package, The Reid-McConnell Amendment 4753 to HR 4853 which extends the Bush Tax Cuts to everyone, extends unemployment benefits 13 months, cuts payroll taxes for employees by 2% for one year and other stimulus extensions. The cost of the plan is approximately $1T (if you consider tax cut extensions a deficit item.)
12/17 House passes FY 2011 Defense Appropriations Bill. Goes to the Senate.
12/17 Sen. Reid filed cloture yesterday on the Dream Act, and the stand along "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" repeal. The cloture votes will take place early Saturday morning. The START treaty continues to be debated on the Senate floor today.
12/17 Sen. Reid in opening remarks objected to the "continuing resolution" submitted by Sen. McConnell that would extend funding to the federal government through February 18, 2011. It appears Sen. Reid and Sen. McConnell will be working on another "quick-fix" funding resolution, as predicted.
12/16 Tax Cuts Extension Package Passes House has passed HR 4853 as amended by S4753 which is the original package worked out by the President and Republican leaders. Final vote 277 to 148. Goes to President for his signature. (There were 108 Democrats and 35 Republicans who voted against the bill.)
12/16 Sen. Reid decided not to file cloture on the Omnibus 1.1T bill. The votes weren't there. He also stated he would not file cloture on the House "continuing resolution" passed last week. Reid said he and Sen. MCConnell would work over the next 24 hours to develop a short-term continuing resolution to keep the federal government funded. This is a conservative victory. The Omnibus $1.1T is dead.
12/15 House passes stand alone bill HR 2965 to repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell. Final vote 250 to 175. Goes to Senate during lame duck session.
12/15 Sen. Reid called for consideration of the US - Russia START Treaty. Vote to consider passed. Rest of the day will be in debate, no roll call votes. Sen. McConnell asked that Republicans not call for full reading of the START Treaty on the floor.
12/15 House currently debating stand alone legislation to repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." Sen. Reid has said if House passes the stand alone, the Senate will bring it to the floor during the lame duck session.
12/15 Senate passed the Tax Cuts Extension Package, The Reid-McConnell Amendment 4753 to HR 4853, final vote 81 to 19. Goes to House vote, then to President for signature.
12/15 Continued moment-by-moment coverage on Senate passage of Tax Cuts Extension Package can be found at GiftWrappingAir on Twitter.
12/15 Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI) offers amendment to Tax Package regarding Estate Tax bringing levels to 2009. Objection to Amendment was heard. Does not come to the floor. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) offers similar amendment. Obtains second, however fails on floor 43 to 57.
12/15 Senators Tom Coburn (R-OK) and Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) announced "paid for" amendment to Tax Cuts Extension Package to be brought to floor this morning cutting $156B from federal budget. The spending cut will offset the 13 month extension of unemployment benefits included in the Tax Cuts Extension Package. The amendment will require the rules be set aside requiring 67 votes to pass.
12/14 Senate final vote on Tax Cut Extension Package pushed to Wednesday, December 15th.
12/14 "Continuing Resolution" turns into omnibus spending spree of 1.1T. As we have been reporting since November 11th, the Democrats have finally shown their hand and delivered to the Senate their means of circumventing spending cuts in the 112th Congress. The foundation is the "continuing resolution" passed in the House on 12/8 which extends funding through FY 2011.
12/14 Sen. Harry Reid states, "111th Congress is not over until January 4th." Warns he will call Senate back after Christmas to pass or have an "up or down" vote on remaining items. Includes START treaty, Dream Act; Don't Ask, Don't Tell (stand alone); omnibus bill (continuing resolution) to fund government. Senate vote on Tax Package will happen today before midnight.
12/14 Mitt Romney says, "Tax Deal, Bad Deal," and offers private business solutions. Read this article in USA Today.
12/13 Senate votes to move forward on Tax Cut Extension. Cloture vote currently 62 to 7. Sixty votes needed to pass. Vote continues for the record.
12/13 Health Care Reform: Virginia federal district judge declares mandate to purchase health insurance unconstitutional.
12/9 Senate addresses Tax Cut Deal: Reid / McConnell Amndt 4753 to HR 4853, The Middle Tax Cuts appears to be the way the Senate can send the Republicans & President Obama's Tax Cut Deal back to the House for a vote. Additional amendments to4753 deal with instructions and include 4754, 4755, 4756 and a second degree amendment 4757. Reid has called for a cloture vote on Monday, December 13th at 3 pm, EST.
12/9 Senate voted at 6: pm, CST to table or kill pending amendments to the tax cuts.
12/9 Defense Appropriations Bill (which included repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell) fails in the Senate. Pelosi continues to hold the Tax Cut Deal hostage in the House. Revenue bills must originate in the House. For moment-by-moment coverage of events follow us on Twitter.
12/9 Follow us on Twitter for moment-by-moment coverage of Senate debate. We've coverd Sen. Reid's attempt to vitiate Senate version of Dream Act and the ultimate tabling. Is he going to reintroduce the House version during the lame duck? Possible debate of the Tax Cut Deal in Senate today. Cloture potentially a Saturday vote. However, "in state of flux." Which, of course, provides for confusion...
12/9 Senate in session at 8:30 am CST; cloture invoked at 11:00 am on Dream Act, then HR 847 - 9/11 Health Care Bill, then Defense appropriations.
12/8 House passes "The Dream Act," HR 5281. Final vote 216 to 198.
12/8 Senate adjourns until 8:30 pm, CST, Thursday, December 9th. After Leader remarks it will proceed to S3992, The Dream Act. Cloture on Dream Act will be called at 10 am, CST. Also to be considered are HR847 and the Defense Bill.
12/8 House passes "Continuing Resolution" that funds government through FY 2011. Holding spending to 2010 levels. $45B less than President's budget request. Includes Food Safety Act with corrections and funding for Homeland Security to purchase more TSA scanners.
12/8 Senate takes up the "Dream Act" in late afternoon session. Update: Sen. Reid anticipates the House will pass and send the Senate a new "continuing resolution" and the Dream Act, early evening. Reid intends to present both to the Senate around 6:30 pm, EST.
12/8 House taking up another "continuing resolution" in late afternoon session. This version runs until end of FY 2011 and includes the Food Safety Act with corrections, as well as money for Homeland Security to purchase more of the TSA scanners.
12/7 In the wake of the President's Tax Cut Deal with Republicans, the horse trading continues. "The deal" still must pass the House and Senate and the Left needs to be convinced. (Thus, the White House briefing at 12:45 pm, EST today.) Sen. Reid has already announced the Senate's agenda. Trading votes on issues is common practice. Ratifying the START treaty or passing the "Dream Act" are not explicit in the President's "tax cuts deal." (No one ever said they would be.) But getting the Left to vote for the "tax cut deal" may require more. Those who tell you otherwise are either naive or misleading. It's still a matter of, "What do you win, when you win."
12/6 Reid sets Senate agenda for remaining lame duck session of 111th Congress. Announces intention to "fight for Dream Act;" protect "middle class" from tax hikes; repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" which Democrats included as part of the Defense bill; and the START Treaty with Russia.
12/6 President Obama expected to announce anticipated tax cut deal. Awaiting....
12/5 The Weekly Wrap: Lame Duck Congress - Session II, "What Do You Win, When You Win?"
12/4 President Obama announces trade deal with S. Korea and encourages continued discussions / negotiations on Bush Tax Cut extensions and unemployment benefits extension following defeat of Democrats "versions" in Senate this morning.
12/4 Reid schedules adjournment of Senate for Friday, December 17th.
12/4 Reid announces his intention to file for cloture on "Dream Act" calling for vote Wednesday.
12/4 Baucus Amndt and Schumer Amndt to extend Bush tax cuts on limited basis fail in Senate.
12/3 Senate to vote on tax cuts in two separate votes on Saturday. First vote, HR 4853 passed yesterday in the House. Extends benefits to middle class. Second vote, proposed by Sen. Schumer which raises exemption to those earning under $1M. Sen Bachus also has proposal that would include a one year extension of unemployment benefits.
12/3 President Obama makes surprize trip to Afghnaistan today. Plans to talk with Karzai.
12/3 Debt Commission adjourns without taking vote. Did not feel they had the 14 votes necessary to submit report to Congress.
12/3 Unemployment jumped to 9.8% in November. President Obama will address jobs at 11:15 am, EST on CSPAN.
12/3 The Presidential Debt Commission will vote today on its recommendations. In order for the bipartisan Commission to submit its report to Congress, 14 of the 18 members must vote in support. The plan called, "The Moment of Truth" cuts 4 trillion from the national debt before 2020.
12/2 Senate passes "continuing resolution" Bill Number H.J.RES.101.EH for the 111th Congress. Keeps Federal government running past December 3rd.
12/2 Rep. Charlie Rangle "censure" hearing taking place in House resulting in Rangle being censured.
12/2 Senate Republicans signed letter stating they'll block all legislation during lame duck session until the chamber acts on the "continuing resolution" and Bush Tax Cuts, according to CSPAN.
12/2 House passes HR 4853 "permanently" extending Bush Tax Cuts to the middle class only. Bill now goes to the Senate.
12/2 House to vote on Bush Tax Cuts today limiting extensions to incomes of individuals up to $200,000 and families up to $250,000 or less. In the Senate, Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell has stated extensions must be given to all brackets.
12/1 House passes "continuing resolution" in absence of fiscal 2010 budget for Federal government. Goes to Senate for vote.
11/30 Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) named as Democrat Party Chair in news conference with Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid (D-NV).
11/30 Secretary Gates asks Congress to repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."
11/30 President Obama meets with leaders of both parties to discuss lame duck session agenda for 111th Congress.
11/30 Senate approves Food Safety Bill 73-26. It now goes to the House.
11/30 Wikileaks announces upcoming release involving major US bank after releasing documents this weekend proving sensitive to international relations including exposing US, China position on a unified Korea.
11/19 The Senate is scheduled to adjourn at the end of today's business returning on 11/29 after the Thanksgiving Day holiday.
11/18 The Senate passed The Physician Payment and Therapy Relieft Act 2010, H.R. 5712.
11/18 House adjourned until 11/22, 11am, CST unless Senate passes House Conference Resolution 332 which provides an extension of funding to the Federal government past Dec. 3rd in the absence of a Fiscal 2010 Federal Budget.
11/18 90 day Unemployment Benefits extension (H.R. 6419) fails in House during the lame duck session in vote of 258 to 154. The problem between the parties is, of course, the "paid for" versus the "emergency" funding of the benefits. Democrats wish to extend benefits on an "emergency" basis which adds to the deficit.
11/17 Fox News is reporting John Boehner has been elected as Speaker of the House for the 112th Congress by the House GOP. CSPAN is reporting that Boehner has been elected "leader of the party" and is expected to become Speaker of the House in January. Fox News is also reporting that Eric Cantor has been elected Majority Leader for the 112th. We expect the official announcement tomorrow as reported earlier.
11/17 Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AL) has won re-election in Alaska over Tea Party Express backed candidate and winner of the Republican primary, Joe Miller (R).
11/17 Nancy Pelosi won the House Democrat Leadership election to be Minority Leader in the 112th Congress in a 150 to 43 vote over challenger Heath Schuler (D-NC). Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD) will return as Minority Whip. Rep. James Clyburn (D- SC) will hold the #3 position in the House. Awaiting Pelosi press conference for further clarification.
11/17 House GOP postpones leadership election results announcement until Thursday.
11/17 "Scheduling conflicts," Republican leadership announced late yesterday, called for a date change of the November 18th meeting at the White House to discuss the lame duck agenda. The meeting date has been moved to November 30th, as reported by Fox News.
11/16: McConnell (R-KY) re-elected as Senate Minority Leader and Kyl (R-AZ) as Minority Whip.
Reid also announced his Democrat Majority team will remain the same.
11/16 Senate Republicans and Democrats elect leadership for 112th today.
11/15 McConnell, (R) Senate Minority Leader supports earmark ban in opening remarks to Senate.
11/15 Lame Duck session of 111th Congress begins. New Congressmen of the 112th in town for orientation.
11/10 G20 pressure Obama on what is seen as US currency devaluation as countries jockey on exports.
11/10 Approximately 40,000 students riot in London over large increase in student tuition.
11/3 QE2 - Federal Reserve announced will buy $600 billion in Treasury bonds over the next eight months in a bid to boost the sluggish recovery by expanding the money supply.
11/3 Obama to make statement at 1pm Eastern. GOP leaders at 11:30 am. Watch on CSPAN.
11/3 GOP historic victory in House, makes strong gains in Senate and State Governors races. We reported all night! Catch our moment-by-moment coverage on Twitter.
10/28 The Weekly Wrap: Special Edition, "Winning in Deep Blues: A Conservative Way Forward in 2012," airs tonight at Don't miss it. CLICK HERE TO WATCH.
10/15 Bernanke sees case for more Fed easing... but no specifics.
10/15 FX war worries continue as countries eye protectionism.
10/14 Nevada Senate race: Sharron Angle (R) vs Harry Reid (D) will debate tonight at 8 pm Central, CSPAN.
10/13 Delaware Senate race: Christine O'Donnell (R) vs Chris Coons (D) will debate tonight, 6:30 pm Central, CSPAN.
10/12 California's Governor race: final debate tonight between Meg Whitman (R) and Jerry Brown (D). NBC streaming online at 6:30 PDT. Tom Brokaw moderating. Don't miss it! Click here.
10/12 Salazar to lift offshore drilling ban today. What will new rules be? How long until permits will be issued? Politics?
10/12 Fed minutes on Sept. 21st meeting out today at 2pm EST. QE2?
7/22/10 Bernanke Testifies before House Financial Services Committee.
Bernanke continues his testimony on the state of the US economy and monetary policy before the House Financial Services Committee. Uncertainty and its effect on the business community in creating jobs has been a major thread. Catch our moment-by-moment coverage on Twitter.
7-21-10 Bernanke on Economy
Federal Reserve Chairman, Ben Bernanke gave the Senate Banking Committee his report on the state of the US economy and monetary policy. For full coverage of comments made during the hearing follow our moment-by-moment coverage on Twitter.
7-21-10 We Highly Recommend
Our browser reports show that a significant portion of our viewers still use Windows Internet Explorer to access our site. We highly recommend Mozilla Firefox, minimum version 3.6.6 which delivers media content at a much faster rate reducing download times. Download here.
7-21-10 Obama Sign Financial Reform into Law
President Obama signed Financial Reform into law today. Rumors of Elizabeth Warren to be tapped at CFPB "czar" circling. Shelby opposes. Michael S. Barr, Treasury Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutions named as possible. White House PR on Financial Reform will be same as Health Care Reform. Our job? Hold their feet to the fire. Follow our most up-to-date coverage on Twitter.
7/15/10 Financial Reform Passes Senate!
The Senate passed the House/Senate Conference Report reconciling the House and Senate versions of Financial Reform legislation. The final vote was 60 to 39. The bill now goes to President Obama's desk where he is expected to sign it into law.
7/15/10 Senate Waives Budget Requirement
Senate has voted to waive the pay for budget requirement with regard to the Financial Reform legislation. Conrad (Chair Senate Budget Cmte) supported waive stating the $19B "technically" violated the requirement but was not "substantive." Final vote to waive, 60 to 39.
7/15/10 Senate Takes Up Financial Reform
Senators discuss the Conference Report on Financial Reform Bill on Senate floor today. The cloture vote is expected to take place at 11 am, EST. Senators Chambliss and Shelby have presented their points of resistance to the bill. Follow our coverage on Twitter.
6/30/10 House Passes Financial Reform
3:56 pm, CST House passes the Financial Reform Conference Report 237 to 192. The report now goes to the Senate which will take up the bill in mid-July. If passed by the Senate, the bill will go to the President for his signature.
6/30/10 House Attempts Financial Reform
12:34 pm, CST - House is currently debating bringing the conference bill on Financial Reform to the floor later today.
6/29/10 Financial Reform Conf. Reconvened!
Frank/Dodd reconvened the Financial Reform Conference to reconstruct the "pay for" portion of the bill. Senators Brown, Collins and Snowe earlier in the day made it clear they would not support the 19B "bank tax" in the conference bill. The reconvened Conference passed a new "pay for" that would close (not end) TARP to new programs and take the "savings" of $11B (according to CBO) and use it to pay for the financial reform legislation; and increase the FDIC from 1.15% to 1.35% excluding banks under $10B. The amended conference bill was strongly opposed by Republican conferees stating it bore strong resemblance to the deceptive practices used to pass health care reform. TARP is being used to pay for new legislation not to reduce the deficit; FDIC funds mandated to protect depositors will be spent "twice" by applying them to the FDIC bank wind down process. Rep. Garrett has referred to the conference bill as "The Fraud Bill," a combination of Frank/Dodd.
6/25/10 Financial Reform Conference Concluded
House/Senate Financial Reform Conference concluded passing the bill in a final marathon session spanning from 9:30 am, Thursday, June 24th to 5:40 am, Friday, June 25th.
6/24/10 Financial Reform Conference
Final day of Conference. Title 7, (derivatives); counter offers and miscellaneous matters are to be discussed. Follow our moment-by-moment coverage on Twitter.
6/23/10 Financial Reform Conference
We continue our moment-by-moment coverage of the House / Senate Financial Reform Conference on Twitter.
6/22/10 Financial Reform Conference
House/Senate Financial Reform Conference reconvenes at 12, noon, EST. Topics include Week One offers/counter offers; Consumer Finance Protection Agency (CFPA) - Title 10 of base text; Predatory lending - title 14 of base text; Risk retention - subtitle D of Title 9 base text; Interchange - section 1076 base text; Access issues - Titles 10, 12, and 14 of base text. Follow our moment-to-moment coverage of the Conference on Twitter.
6/17/10 Twitter is back up. We're over there now. Sorry!
6/17/10 Coverage of Financial Reform Conference has been occurring on our Twitter account. Twitter is currently over capacity. We will continue tonight's coverage in Daily Briefs. Apologize for inconvenience.
5/20/10 Senate Passes Financial Reform!
Today the Senate passed HR.4173 as amended (S.3217, S.3739 as substitute). The bill still must be reconciled with the House version before being sent to the President for his signature.
5-20-10 Senate Financial Reform
Follow our moment-by-moment coverage on Twitter. Senate gavels back in at 12, noon, EST after joint meeting of Congress honoring Felipe Calderon, Pres. of Mexico. Another cloture vote regarding S.3217 is scheduled for 2:30 pm, EST. Get the earliest news on amendments presented and passed. Follow us!
5/19/10 Senate Financial Reform Bill
We continue our moment-by-moment coverage on Twitter.
5/18/10 Senate Financial Reform Bill
Follow our moment-to-moment comments concerning S.3217 Financial Reform legislation on Twitter. Get updates via SMS by texting follow GiftWrappingAir to 40404 in the United States.
5/14/10 Senate Resumes Financial Reform
The Senate resumes consideration of S.3217 with amendments being presented on the floor. No floor votes will take place today. Sen. Mark Udall (D-CO) presented amendment S.4016 regarding consumer access to their own consumer credit scores. The amendment ensures on a "transaction basis" if denied consumers have the right to see the credit score used to determine credit worthiness. Monday afternoon / evening vote expected.
5/13/10 Thune Amndt S.3987 Vote
S.3987 would sunset the Consumer Protection Agency established by Dodd's S.3217 in four years allowing Congress to determine whether or not continuing the agency would be valuable. Concern has been voiced that S.3217 establishes the Consumer Protection Agency as a stand alone agency not subject to Congressional oversight. The Thune Amendment S.3987 fails 55 to 40.
5/13/10 Collins Amendment S.3879
Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) proposed he amendment to mandate minimum leverage and risk-based capital requirements for insured depository institutions, depository institution holding companies, and nonbank financial companies that the Council identifies for Board of Governors supervision as subject to prudential standards. Agreed to by unanimous consent.
5/13/10 Durbin Amndt S.3989 modified (S.3768)
Durbin Amendment calls for interchange fees modification on credit cards. Tackles problem of debit cards being charged same merchant fees as credit cards. Does not apply to banks under $10B... exempts 99% banks, credit unions and 19 Thrift and Savings. Just affects large banks. Amendment was given a 60 vote threshold when called by Sen. Dodd. The vote meets the threshold. Amendment is agreed to. Final vote 64 to 33.
5/13/10 Thune Amndt S.3987
Sen. John Thune (R-SD) presented amendment S.3987 that would sunset the Consumer Protection Agency established by Dodd's S.3217 in four years allowing Congress to determine whether or not continuing the agency would be valuable. Concern has been voiced that S.3217 establishes the Consumer Protection Agency as a stand alone agency not subject to Congress. Thune called for yeas and nays. Insufficient second.
5/13/10 Sessions Amdt. S.3832 Vote
2:21 pm, CST - The Sessions Amendment fails 58 to 42.
5/13/10 Sessions Amdt. S.3832
Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) offered amendment S.3832 to S.3217. The Sessions amendment creates a new Chapter 14 bankruptcy for specific use by large financial institutions establishing the "rule of law" system which is predictable and predetermined. Dodd's bill, S.3217 allows the FDIC to recognize and wind down these institutions which in essence is a "bail out" and continues the process as potentially political.
5/13/10 LeMieux Amdt. S.3774 Vote
12:18 pm, CST - The LeMieux Amdt. passes 61 to 38
5/13/10 Franken Amdt. S.3808 Vote
12:01 pm, CST - The Franken Amendment passes 64 to 35.
5/13/10 Senate "Credit Rating Agencies" Amndts.
The Senate is currently discussing proposed "credit rating" amendments S.3808 offered by Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) and a side-by-side amendment S.3774 offered by Sen. George LeMieux (R-FL) to Financial Reform legislation (S.3217, S.3739 as a substitute). The purpose of the amendments is to eliminate the ability of an issuer to "buy" or "shop for" a rating on their financial products. The Franken Amendment establishes a "clearing house" made up of "investors" that sets the initial rating. Like FINRA, the "clearing house" would be subject to oversight by the SEC. The LeMieux Amendment differs in that it "writes credit agencies out of the law" removing their sanction by federal law ending their monopoly. Under the LeMieux Amendment banks will have to "do the work" to convince the SEC their financial products are "worthy." The LeMieux Amendment provides a 2 year transition period. Dodd has expressed his "resistance" to both amendments.
5/12/11 Reid Brown Amndt S.3943
Presented by Sens. Jack Reid (D-RI) and Scott Brown (R-MA), the amendment includes a military liaison/watchdog within the Consumer Protection Agency under the Federal Reserve to provide protection and enforcement against financial predators who would take advantage of our troops.
5:31 pm, CST - The amendment passes 98 to 1.
5/12/11 Chambliss Amndt S.3816 vote
4:50 pm, CST - The Chambliss Amendment to modify the Dodd Lincoln Amendment S.3739 fails 59 to 39
5/12/11 Saxby Chambliss Amndt S.3816
The Chambliss Amendment S.3816 would amend the Dodd-Lincoln Amendment S.3739 to S.3217. The Chambliss Amendment gives regulators the authority and tools to deal with credit default swaps through increased transparency in collection of data; requires all swaps to be made known to regulators; provides public dissemination of information on all swaps; gives CFTC and SEC authority to regulate. Sen. Chambliss stated the Dodd-Lincoln Amendment S.3739 would create huge underwriting fees; cause businesses to no longer use derivatives to hedge risk passing higher costs to consumers; and would cause end users to take their business offshore "trading in the dark, beyond regulation."
5/12/10 Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-ME) Amndt. S.3918
Agreed to in Senate by voice vote. (Text of Amndt as submitted S.3428) Amends S.3217, S AMNDT.3739. Snowe Amendment is important for small business with regard to regulation by the Consumer Protection Agency established by S.3217. The Snowe Amendment clears up definition of "significantly engaged" in financial instruments and reduces the fear that small businesses offering clients payment terms will be subject to same scrutiny as large financial institutions.
5/12/10 Kerry Lieberman Clean Energy Bill
1:36 pm, CST - Sens. John Kerry (D-MA) and Joe Lieberman (I-CT) presented their Clean Energy Bill in a press conference this afternoon. Sen. Lieberman stated the bill is supported by many of the oil companies because they see it as a better alternative than EPA regulation. Read the Bill.
5/12/10 Hutchison Klobuchar Amndt S.3759
10:09 am, CST - Senate voting on Amndt S.3759 which ensures the Federal Reserve retains supervisory capacity over state community banks and ensures the role of Regional Federal Reserves input into monetary policy decisions. Seen as very important to preserving the Fed's ability to access all information needed to form sound monetary policy. Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT) opposes. The amendment passes 90 to 9.
5/12/11 Corker Amndt S.3955 to S.3217
9:51 am, CST - Senate currently voting on Corker Amndt S.3955 which is opposed by Sen. Dodd as "stripping out the skin-in-the-game" requirements and imposing a minimum 5% down payment. In reality, the amendment would further strengthen the Merkley Kolbuchar Amendment just passed, however, it is anticipated the amendment will fail. The Democrats intend to offer their own "strengthening" via the Landrieu (D-LA) Isakson (R-GA) Amendment later today which has bipartisan support. Corker Amendment fails 57 to 42.
5/12/10 Merkley Klobuchar Amndt S.3962
9:33 am, CST - Senate is currently voting on this amendment to S.3217. The amendment (which does not require a minimum 5% down payment as does the Corker Amendment) requires mortgage originators to verify the borrowers ability to repay before approving a loan; and prohibits mortgage originators from "steering buyers" to more expensive loans when they qualify for better loans. The amendment passes 63 to 36.
5/11/10 Hutchison Klobuchar Amendment S.3759
Sens. Kay Bailey-Hutchison (R-TX) and Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) have introduced an amendment to S.3217 Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010 with strong bipartisan support. The amendment addresses the Federal Reserve's supervisory capacity. The Dodd's financial reform bill limits the Fed's supervisory capacity to large banks $50B and over. The amendment provides that state community banks as well as large banks can become members of and have access to the Federal Reserve. A very important amendment, it ensures the Federal Reserve has access to community bank information which is imperative in determining sound monetary policy. It ensures that the Regional Federal Reserve offices will continue to be involved in monetary policy decisions "not just New York and Washington, DC." It maintains the "connection to main street not just Wall St." The vote is expected on Wednesday, May 12, 2010 when the Senate reconvenes at 10:00 am, EST.
5/11/10 Corker Amendment, S.3955
5:21 pm, CST - Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) introduced an amendment that deals with the underwriting process of residential loans. The amendment would set a 5% down payment as a required minimum. Loans above 80% loan-to-value would require mortgage insurance. Income must be fully documented with debt to income ratios substantiating borrowers ability to repay. (Does not apply to VA or Rural Housing. Underwriting updates required every five years. Exemption are allowed for qualifying non-profits.) Also, requires study of FHA to ensure agency's underwriting requirements are intact. Strikes the additional 5% risk retention added by the Dodd bill (on top of the current 8% requirement) for lenders and establishes a study to determine appropriate risk retention levels for banks. It is anticipated that this will be overridden by the side-by-side offered Merkley Klobuchar Amendment, S.3962. Sens. Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) co-authored the amendment which does not require a minimum 5% down payment as does the Corker Amendment. The Merkley Klobuchar Amendment also requires mortgage originators to verify the borrowers ability to repay before approving a loan; and prohibits mortgage originators from "steering buyers" to more expensive loans when they qualify for better loans. The vote is expected on Wednesday, May 12, 2010 when the Senate reconvenes at 10:00 am, EST.
5/11/10 Bennett Amendment, S.3928
The "Pay-it-Back" Amendment introduced by Sen. Michael Bennett (D-CO) calls for TARP funds to be rolled back and ends Treasury's ability to use TARP funds on a revolving basis. It calls for funds paid back to be applied to the reduction of the Federal deficit. As Sen. Bennett stated the purpose of the amendment is to "get the government out of the business of owning business." The amendment was agreed to without objection.
5/11/10 McCain Amendment, S.3839
3:58 pm, CST - Senate currently voting on McCain Amendment to include Fannie and Freddie in the financial reform legislation ending their "taxpayer backed free ride" and winding down the conservatorship over the next twenty-four months. The amendment fails 56 to 43.
5/11/10 Dodd Amendment S. 3938 to S.3739 (Correction)
Senate is currently voting on an amendment to S.3739, a controversial amendment that incorporates the Wall Street Transparency and Accountability Act passed out of the Senate Agriculture Committee chaired by Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) with Dodd's bill. Amendment S.3938 requires the Secretary of Transportation to conduct a study on ending the conservatorship of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and reforming the housing finance system. The amendment passes 63 to 36.
5/11/10 UK Prime Minister Resigns
According to the Wall Street Journal, Prime Minister Gordon Brown just tendered his resignation to the Queen "clearing the way for Conservative Party leader David Cameron to form a government and take over as UK Prime Minister."
5/11/10 McCain Amendment, S.3839
Sen John McCain (R-AZ) is presenting his amendment S.3839 to S.3217 Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010." The McCain amendment addresses the omission of Fannie and Freddie from Dodd's bill by eliminating the "taxpayer backed free ride" for Fannie and Freddie. The amendment would wind down the conservatorship over the next twenty-four months and include the indebtedness in the Federal budget. Debate on the floor continues. McCain's amendment was first presented on May 6th (see below). Vote is expected today.
5/11/10 Vitter Amendment, S.3760
11:20 am, CST - The Senate is voting on the Vitter Amendment proposed by Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) which strengthens the Sanders Amendment expanding the transparency requirements of the Federal Reserve by allowing the GAO to audit the financial records without the Sanders limitation "since September 2008." The amendment fails 62 to 37.
5/11/10 Sanders Amendment Passes
11:04 am, CST - The Sanders Amendment, S.3738 as amended which allows the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to audit the financial records of the Federal Reserve since September 2008, passes 96 to zero.
5/11/10 Financial Reform - Sanders Amendment
The Senate will consider the Sanders Amendment, S.3738 today in its revised form. The amendment attempts to bring transparency to the Federal Reserve. Changes to the amendment include allowing the privacy surrounding how the Fed sets interest rates to remain intact while requiring the Fed to disclose how and to whom any emergency funds are dispersed. The amendment was introduced in its original form by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-V) on May 6th. (See below) It has, as mentioned a "most unusual coalition" of support. Initially, the White House did not back the amendment but has reversed that decision based on the amendment revisions calling it the "right balance."
5/6/10: Happy Birthday!
Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL) turns 76 today. We wish Sen. Shelby the best and thank him for his service.
5/6/10 Kauffman - Brown Amendment S.3733
8:07 pm, CST - Sens. Ted Kaufman (D-DE) and Sherrod Brown (D-OH) offered S.3733 amending S.3739 to amend S.3217Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010. The Kauffman - Brown Amendment calls for "scaling back" the six largest banks. The amendment failed with a vote of 33 to 61. (Earlier Sen. John Ensign (R-NV) offered an amendment to the Kauffman - Brown Amendment requiring Fannie and Freddie be included. The Ensign Amendment failed 35 to 59.)
5/6/10 McCain Amendment S.3839
Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) presented his amendment S.3839 to S.3217, Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010. The amendment would "end the taxpayer backed free ride" for Fannie and Freddie. Sen. McCain referred to the entities as the "toxic twins" and stated true financial reform could not take place without addressing their status and the existing taxpayer obligations incurred on their behalf. Further discussion is expected on the amendment with twenty senators wishing to offer their opinions, according to Sen. McCain.
5/6/10 Sanders Amendment S.3738
3:00 pm ,CST - Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-V) is introducing his amendment S.3738 to S.3217, Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010. The amendment establishes "transparency of the Federal Reserve." Sen. Sanders, a self-proclaimed socialist described his amendment as having the "most unusual coalition" of support. According to ABC News, he's right. The coalition includes "grass roots conservative organizations such as the National Taxpayers Union, Americans for Tax Reform, Campaign for Liberty and the Rutherford Institute" working in conjunction with the far Left organizations, the SEIU, AFL-CIO and Public Citizen to support the bill. The amendment does not have the support of the White House.
5/6/10 Shelby - McConnell Amendment
2:31 pm, CST -. The Shelby-McConnell amendment to S.3217, Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010 would curb the "stand alone" agency's "unprecedented power" and move it from the Federal Reserve (as prescribed by the bill) to the supervision of the FDIC. The amendment has failed 38 to 61.
5/6/10 Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission
11:07 am, CST - Treasury Secretary, Tim Geithner is currently testifying before the FCIC with regard to the 2008 Financial Crisis. Earlier Henry Paulson testified concerning "shadow markets."
5/6/10 Shelby - McConnell Amendment
9:30 am, CST - Senate currently debating the scope of power to be given to the Consumer Protection Agency that would be established by S.3217, Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010. The Shelby-McConnell amendment would curb the "stand alone" agency's "unprecedented power" and move it from the Federal Reserve's supervision (as prescribed by the bill) to the FDIC.
5/6/10 Tester (D-MI)-Hutchison (R-TX) Amendment
9:23 am, CST - The "Fair Share" amendment to S.3217, Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010 changes FDIC insurance payments to reflect assets rather than deposits. Community banks support this. The amendment passed with bipartisan support 98 to 0.
4/30/10 President's Remarks on First Qtr 2010
President began remarks quoting first quarter GDP 2009 at -6.4% contrasting that with today's first quarter GDP 2010 of 3.2% and saying America is "heading in the right direction. He went on to state misery still exists in American lives where homes, businesses, and jobs have been lost. The President said it is the government's job to create conditions for job grow but private industry is the "engine of job creation."
Regarding the British Petroleum oil rig disaster in the Gulf the President said he had dispatched Interior, Homeland Security, EPA, and NOAH administrative personal who will submit reports on the situation today. He said British Petroleum is responsible for the costs of clean up but the Federal government would support the local communities. The President announced his continued support for offshore drilling but has called for a report due in 30 days to determine how to prevent similar accidents. Leases going forward, according to the President would have to support those safeguards and all existing rigs would be inspected.
4/30/10 Democrats, Puerto Rico, Immigration, Clean Energy Bill
The need for 2010 votes looms on the horizon as Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Assistant Senate Majority Leader Dick Durbin, Democratic Conference Vice Chairman Chuck Schumer and other Senate Democratic members held out "promises" in a press conference yesterday. They released a twenty-six page preliminary outline draft on border and immigration reform. Democrats expressed the desire to pass reform legislation this year and (in front of the cameras, at least) reached out to Republican members for bipartisan support.
In addition, yesterday the House passed a resolution calling for a "federally sanctioned self-determination process" for Puerto Rico as a path to statehood. Many have raised questions calling the process "skewed" and not a legitimate vote for determination dividing the Democratic party. The Clean Energy Bill continues to trump Immigration Reform on the Senate docket.
4/29/10 House Debates Status of Puerto Rico
The House is currently debating HR 1305 which provides for consideration of bill HR 2499 to provide a federally sanctioned self-determination process for the people of Puerto Rico.
4/28/10 Deal Struck on Financial Reform
According to CQPolitics, a deal has been struck between Democrats and Republicans on Financial Reform Bill. "Details were still unclear, but one Democratic source said Republicans had been promised votes on an unspecified number of amendments."
4/28/10 Financial Reform Bill - Try #3
Sen. Chris Dodd's Bill, S.3217, Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010 is to be brought to the Senate floor for the third time at 12:20 pm, EST. Republicans have continued to negotiate off floor to reduce major concerns over "too-big-to-fail," an unfettered Consumer Protection agency, the exclusion of Fannie and Freddie from the legislation and what they see as reform that does not address the causes of the 2008 financial crisis. The Senate vote to proceed has been called. Sixty votes are needed. The vote fails 56 to 42. It is anticipated after three unsuccessful attempts to negotiate with Democrats on the Dodd Bill, Republicans will move forward to introduce their own Financial Reform bill.
4/27/10 President Obama in Iowa
In Ottumwa, Iowa President Obama extolled the "benefits" of the programs his administration has instituted to date and pushed for Financial Reform Legislation. He chided Republicans for "not letting the bill be debated." Mr. President, the bill is being debated... off floor, where Republicans are assured Sen. Harry Reid doesn't get his 60 votes to proceed and then shuts down debate before any amendments to the bill can be brought. Trust is earned, Mr. President.
4/27/10 Financial Reform Bill Fails to Proceed
A second attempt to bring Sen. Chris Dodd's S.3217, Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010 to the Senate floor failed. 60 votes were needed to proceed. Sen. Ben Nelson (D-NE) continued to vote no. The vote failed 57 in favor, 41 against.
4/27/10 Justice Department & Health Care Fraud
AstraZeneca reaches $520M settlement with the Justice Department and HHS in a civil suit regarding health care fraud. According to Kathleen Sebelius , Dir. of HHS, AstraZeneca "bilked" Medicare, Medicaid and endangered patients by paying kick backs to doctors for marketing a specific drug, Seroquel. The drug treats the symptoms of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Seroquel was not approved by the FDA to be used by patients or prescribed by doctors in the manner in which AstraZeneca paid doctors to prescribe the drug. This the largest civil settlement awarded for health care fraud.
4/27/10 Senate Reintroduces Financial Regulation
Today at 4:30 EST the Democrats are scheduled to reintroduce S.3217, Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010 which failed to move forward in the Senate yesterday.
4/27/10 Florida: Marco Rubio officially announces his run for the Senate on the Republican ticket. Rubio has served as the Florida Speaker. Current Gov. Charlie Crist who also has indicated an interest in the Senate seat may go independent leaving the Republican party.
4/27/10 2008 Financial Crisis & Goldman Sachs
Senate Gov. Affairs Subcommittee on Investigations Chaired by Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI) will listen to testimony today by Goldman Sachs. The outcome of the testimony today is expected to help form public opinion that would ease passage of the Democrats Financial Reform legislation with potential reintroduction to the Senate floor today.
4/27/10 Debt Commission
President's Debt Commission tasked with finding bipartisan solutions to reducing the national debt begins meetings today. President Obama opened the Commission with remarks including the deficit he inherited of 1.3T; past administrations failures to address health care cost in Medicare, Medicaid; the President's call for the "pay-as-you-go" legislation; $20B savings generated by line-by-line budget analysis and cuts; 3 year freeze on non-essential spending excluding Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, National Security and Veterans benefits; ending tax subsidies for oil companies and the rich; and passing health care reform which "will not add to the deficit but will produce a $1Tsavings over twenty years." President Obama chided the media saying he would not "play the game" of what is "on or off the table" sidestepping questions regarding the VAT or Value Added Tax. The commission, Obama said, is to be free to look at all remedies.
4/26/10 Gibbs Remarks on Financial Reform
Press Secretary Gibbs is displaying the disingenuous strategy the Administration is waging against Republicans by stating in today's press conference that Republicans who do not vote for the Democrats Financial Reform bill support the status quo. We suggest he read, "It's the Bill, Stupid." Is the Administration so isolated it believes anyone is still buying this diatribe? Truly, the Emperor has no clothes.
4/26/10 Immigration Reform Bumps Climate Bill
As we first reported Thursday, Immigration Reform will be next. Majority Leader Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) bumped climate change legislation this weekend to address immigration reform first. In response, Sen. Lindsay Grahman (R-SC) withdrew his support of climate change legislation. Sen. Graham had originally cosponsored the bill with Sens. John Kerry (D-MA) and Joseph Lieberman (D-CT).
4/23/10 Immigration Reform
As we reported yesterday, President Obama is discussing Immigration reform. Democratic leaders and the Administration "hedge" on which to introduce first, "Clean Energy" or Immigration. Immigration reform may bring the new source of voters badly needed by the Administration as past support falls away due to broken promises and the greater sense of a disingenuous platform.
4/23/10 Energy Bill "Clean Energy"
Senators John Kerry (D-MA), Joe Lieberman (I-CT), and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) are expected to introduce their "Clean Energy" bill to the Senate on Monday, April 26th. The bill is being sold as "an alternative to EPA determination."
4/23/10 Financial Reform Proceeds to Vote
Sen. Chris Dodd's bill, Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010 (S.3217) will be brought to the Senate floor for a vote on Monday, April 26th. Senate convenes at 2:00 pm for morning business. Dodd's bill is scheduled to follow.
4/22/10 Senate Budget Committee
President Obama's FY2011 Budget passed out of committee with amendments and was sent to the Senate floor. Sen. Judd Gregg (R-NH), Ranking Member offered an amendment to ensure TARP funds "that are not spent, borrowed or paid back to the Treasury" are used to reduce the debt and not to fund additional programs. The amendment passed. However, Sen. Gregg's Medicare amendment which would have required all funds collected as Medicare payments go to the Medicare system and not be used to fund other entitlement programs failed. Sen. Gregg is retiring from the Senate at the end of 2010. We wish him the best and thank him for his service.
4/22/10 Fannie and Freddie Obligations
The Senate Budget Committee in considering amendments to the FY2011 Budget. Sen. Mike Crapo (R-ID) offered the amendment to include Fannie and Freddie obligations in the deficit. The amendment failed in committee.
4/22/10 Senate Budget Committee
Senators are presenting amendments to the FY2011 budget. Currently Sen. Grossly (R-IA) is proposing an amendment that would postpone the tax increases imposed on low and middle class Americans by the Health Care legislation until 2014. Earlier, Republicans sought to include Fannie and Freddie obligations in the National debt in order to provide a true fiscal picture. Debate continues.
4/21/10 Senate Budget Committee
Senators are making opening remarks with regard to the proposed White House FY2011 Budget which is beginning its mark-up process today. Many Conservatives consider President Obama's FY2011 Budget to include attempts to circumvent Congress on legislative issues. An example is establishing Cap-and-Trade regulation via EPA and Energy Department funding (which includes the removal of fossil fuel subsidies).
CBO's Analysis of President's FY2011 Budget
4/21/10 SEC Regulation & Goldman Sachs
The question that should be asked is not whether the White House was involved in the SEC filing against Goldman Sachs, or how much money (approximately $1M) Obama recieved from Goldman Sachs during his 2008 campaign. The question is doesn't the SEC filing prove our existing regulatory agencies have the authority and responsibility to act? What took them so long?
4/21/10 Derivatives Reform
The Chambliss Amendment to the Wall Street Transparency and Accountability Act in the Senate Agriculture Committee has failed in a vote of 9 to 12. Once again, the rush to the floor or "running out of time" is being heralded by Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-AR), Chairman of the committee who has submitted a last minute substitute for the bipartisan base bill constructed over several months. The Chambliss Amendment sought to resolve Republican concerns. The rush to the floor approach is becoming a signature tactic of the Obama regime. The Wall Street Transparency and Accountability Act is being reported out of committee to the Senate floor by a vote of 13 to 8.
Full Text of Bill (pdf)
Section-by-Section Analysis (pdf)
One page Summary (pdf)
4/21/10 Financial Reform Bill
Comments on the Senate floor this morning as well as the discussion of derivative regulation via the mark-up of the Wall Street Transparency and Accountability Act in the Senate Agriculture Committee chaired by Blanche Lincoln (D-AR ) (expected to be merged with Sen. Dodd's bill) are bringing Financial Reform legislation closer to a bipartisan conclusion. Important Republican points to ensure bipartisan support include the Fed's ability to continue as the regulatory authority over community banks; the assurance that "too big to fail" is eliminated and taxpayers are never again expected to bail out Wall Street; and that Fannie and Freddie's lending criteria be included in the legislation.
4/20/10 Lehman Brothers
In testimony before the House Financial Services Committee, Richard Fuld, past CEO of Lehman Brothers declared he had no knowledge of Repo 105 transactions while the testimony of the bankruptcy examiner preceding him indicated Fuld did have knowledge. Repo 105 transactions are an accounting maneuver that allow a company to classify a short term loan as a "sale." This "sale" is used to pay down liabilities just long enough to reflect a published balance sheet. After publication the company borrows cash to repurchase its original assets. The question being asked is has fraud been perpetrated? Technical aspects of standard accounting practices according to the bankruptcy examiner appear to have been followed even to the extent of SEC reporting. Next question... should the Federal Reserve and the SEC have questioned Lehman's capital reserve funds and liquidity upon filing? Extremely interesting testimony.
4/19/10 Financial Reform Bill
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) in response to Leader Harry Reid's (D-NV) remarks excoriating Republican opposition to the bill stated he could keep pointing out what was wrong with the bill and have the President agree with him by the end of the week or they could let the bill go back to committee and have the experts deal with it. McConnell said the bill was "not unfixable."
4/19/10 White House Briefing
Press Sec. Robert Gibbs speaking about the Financial Reform Bill to be debated on the Senate floor Wednesday or Thursday of this week stated, "We're not watering this down." So much for all the talk of bipartisan cooperation.
4/19/10 AFL-CIO Conference
Secretary of Energy, Steven Chu addressed the Building Trades - AFL-CIO Conference in Washington, DC with a strong push for legislation capping carbon. Chu stated it would be the "certainty" companies needed for "investment" in clean energy implying jobs for the trades.
4/16/10 Financial Regulation Reform
Republicans and Democrats war over "bail-out" remarks. Yesterday, Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ ) explained on Senate floor how the $50B "slush fund" established by Sen. Chris Dodd's bill is really an explicit guarantee to bail out firms in future. More as the discussion continues next week.
4/14/10 Waxman Cancels CEO Call Out
According to FOX News, Henry Waxman (D-CA) has canceled the April 21st congressional hearing demanding the appearance and explanation of CEOs (such as ATT) who announced the cost the Health Care Reform bill added to their balance sheets.
4/14/10 Dodd on Senate Floor
Sen. Chris Dodd (D- CT) delivered impassioned diatribe against opposition to Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010 including Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and political strategist Frank Luntz who have called the legislation another "Wall St. bail out." Bill is soon to reach floor. Dodd said, "my patience is wearing thin."
4/13/10 House Returns from Break
House returns today from Spring Break.
4/12/10 Senate Returns from Break
Senate returns today from Spring Break. Watch for unemployment benefits, financial reform, and immigration to be discussed.
4/12/10 Nuclear Security Summit
President Obama holds Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, DC with forty world leaders... missing are Israel, Iran, N. Korea.
4/9/10 Palin Hits it Out of the PARK!
Like a "rock star" Sarah Palin addressed the Southern Republic Leadership Conference (SRLC) in New Orleans today. Her clarity on the issues and her experience in Energy policy were well displayed. Go Sarah go! We're with you all the way! The "Community Organizer-in-Chief" doesn't hold a candle to you.
4/9/10 Justice Stevens to Retire
Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens who has served on the court for thirty-four years sent his letter of resignation to the White House this morning. Justice Stevens who is seen as a liberal turns ninety this year and will retire at the end of the court session. President Obama is expected to nominate a liberal as Stevens replacement.
4/9/10 Rep. Bart Stupak (D-MI)
Rep. Stupak, the congressman who flipped his vote on health care reform legislation over an Executive Order on abortion funding has announced he will not seek another term in office.
4/8/10 FCIC Continues Investigation
The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission continues its investigation into the events that led to the 2008 financial collapse. Citigroup executives and the role of risky mortgage debt are today's focus.
4/8/10 Nuclear Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty
President Obama and Russian President Medvedev sign controversial treaty today.
2009 Publications
- March '09
March 26, 2009
Geithner Wants Congress to Give the Treasury More Power: The Point Everyone is Missing...
National Security:
Mexico's Drug War and the Border - Obama Won't Send Troops.. yet
Obama's Team:
March 20, 2009
Small Business: Largest GDP Sector Contributor Gets 2% of TARP... Well, sort of...
Economic Stimulus: Will it Work? Have We Been Had?... Going Forward
The Cost of Cap-and-Trade: Original Estimates Lowball Anticipated True Cost
Federal Reserve Spends $1.15 Trillion to Buy Back Obligations... Now We're Printing Money!
Healthcare for All: How Do We Pay for it? Really...
National Security:
Keeping Our Promises: Cutting Military Health Benefits to Save $512M... Very Stupid Idea!
Obama's Team:
Bend but Don't Break the "New Rules." Acorn to Participate in Census...
March 12, 2009
Small Business USA: Survival? ...Yeah Baby!
Economic Stimulus: Will it Work? Have We Been Had?... Going Forward
End Foreign Oil Dependence: But Let's Not do it the Hard Way
Solving the Foreclosure Problem: Does Anybody Really Have a Plan?
Healthcare for All: How Do We Pay for it? Really...
National Security:
Keeping America Safe: The Nuclear Threat... are we ready?
Obama's Team:
Bend but Don't Break the "New Rules." An Era of Technical Dishonesty?
Campaign 2008
- Campaign 2008
September 3, 2008:
Gov. Sarah Palin Addresses Republican National Convention
September 4, 2008:
McCain Accepts Republican Nomination
Barack Obama on Bill O'Reilly, "The Factor"
Obama Talks with O'Reilly: Part One
Obama Shifts Focus off Palin, duh!
September 5, 2008:
Biden Campaigns in Pennsylvania
CNN Campbell Brown Talks Palin
John McCain's Acceptance Speech
September 8, 2008:
McCain Ahead in Polls: CNN Reports Differently
CNN Campbell Brown Talks Palin (post #2)
Obama Talks with O'Reilly: Part Two
September 9, 2008:
Russia, Venezuela Joint Naval Exercises...We Need John McCain!
September 10, 2008:
Obama Talks with O'Reilly: Part Three
September 12, 2008:
Bolivia, Venezuela Break Diplomatic Ties with USA, ...While We Discuss "Air."
September 14, 2008:
Further Reading:
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Catch "The Weekly Wrap," for video and written commentary on the week's news. RETURNING SOON!