Obama's State of the Union 2010: Scolds, Blames, Offers Worn out Platitudes
Publication Date: Jan 27, 2010
by Diane W. Collins
President Obama delivered his State of the Union address to the American people tonight on national television, his tone and perspective unchanged. Country watching, the President scolded the Senate as well as the Supreme Court while praising the House for initiatives passed and went on to offer the same worn out platitudes of earlier speeches. Can it be Obama is so isolated that he actually believes the American people have not lost trust... in him, not just government and corporations? Or is he just unable to admit it?
What we were listening for, we did not hear. The President pledged to continue on his same course vowing he would not give up the fight for healthcare reform, and cap & trade legislation. The events of the past several weeks do not seem to have provided the President with the much needed wake up call of "We, the People." Obama seems blinded by past popularity, in that he will continue with the far-left ideology he and his ivory tower advisors espouse... more
Obama's Team: The Return of Plouffe, the "Magic Spinmeister"
David Plouffe, Obama's 2008 Presidential Campaign manager is back. Seems the Massachusetts victory of Republican Scott Brown opened a few eyes. (R) Sen. Elect, Brown now holds the seat previously occupied by the late (D) Sen. Ted Kennedy. Going forward, Plouffee has been charged with overseeing 2010 House, Senate and governors' races. In other words, getting out the vote.
Apparently, that begins tonight with Plouffe’s introduction of President Obama’s State of the Union address via conference call to " thousands of groups of Obama’s... campaign volunteers across the country." Plouffe has described it as a “pivotal moment.” More like "you spin me right round baby, right round."
Obama Addresses GOP House Issues Conference
President Obama addressed the GOP House Issues Conference in Baltimore, Maryland Friday, January 29th at the invitation of House Minority Leader, John Boehner. The invitation followed the President's State of the Union address in which he told the Republicans if they had any ideas to contribute, he'd like to hear them.
Although respectful, neither side held back. (R) Rep. Jason Chaffetz, of Utah questioned the President about seeming contradictions in his State of the Union address including transparency during healthcare reform and lobbyists within Obama's administration. Regarding transparency, President Obama blamed logistics before accepting responsibility for the lack of transparency surrounding healthcare reform. Concerning "lobbyists," although the President recognized their presence in his administration and the dispensations given Obama stated no president had done more to reduce their (lobbyists) influence.... more