Update 2/16/15

Senate Majority Leader
Sen. Mitch McConnell (R) Kentucky
Constitutionally Mandated Offices:
President of the Senate - Joseph R. Biden, Jr. (D) Delaware, VP of the United States
President Pro Tempore - Orin G. Hatch, (R), Utah
Majority Leader - Mitch McConnell (R), Kentucky
Majority Whip -John Cornyn (R) Texas
Republican Conference Chair -John Thune (R), South Dakota
Republican Policy Committee Chair -John Barrasso, (R) Wyoming
Republican Conference Vice Chair- Roy Blunt (R) Missouri
Minority Leader - Harry Reid (D), Nevada
Minority Whip - Richard Durbin (D), Illinois
Democrat Conference Chair, Harry Reid (D), Nevada
Democrat Conference Vice Chair & Policy Committee Chair, Charles Schumer (D) New York
Democrat Conference Secretary - Patty Murray (D), Washington