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Posted: 03/12/09



Diane W. Collins - Founder,

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During the 2008 Democratic National Party Convention, (DNC) a correspondent referred to the Democratic Party ticket as "gift wrapping air." The correspondent was pointing to the lack of (then) Sen. Obama's executive and foreign affairs experience. He added that placing (then) Sen. Joe Biden on the Democratic ticket and producing numerous party-loyal testimonials at the DNC was like "gift wrapping air."


We agree. So, was born. We're focused on taking the air out of the liberal media and the political Left while delivering a clear picture of conservative principles. Enough Hollywood. Let's get to what's real... on both sides. As the liberal media shelters the Left and distorts conservatives’ words, records and policies, we keep watch... hopefully helping to ensure the public gets the truth.

Diane W. Collins, Founder


About Diane...

Ms. Collins is a strong Constitutional Conservative. She studied for a BA and MA in History as well as an MBA with an emphasis in finance. While studying for her BA in History Ms. Collins minored in political science and photo journalism. In 1974, she received a full academic scholarship for her Master's in History maintaining a 4.0 GPA and (as Dianne Wicklund) was made a lifetime member of Phi Alpha Theta, the National Honor Society for historians. Her Master's thesis concentrated on the Spanish Civil War 1936-1939 and the interrelation of Anarchist, Anarcho-syndicalist, Syndicalist, and Communist movements as they fought against Fascism. The most memorable moment of her studies came as she reviewed the morgue shots... victims of the violence stored at La Biblioteca Nacional Espana in Madrid. "I remember running to the restroom where I became ill, literally losing the contents of my stomach. I could not believe the inhumanity...nuns whose skulls has been crushed, mass graves for dissenters... insane violence." Her thesis was denied by one member of her graduate committee (whose Italian father fought with the anarchists in Spain). When asked to change certain aspects of her work... she refused.


Prior to founding, Ms. Collins held positions in non-profit as well as for-profit companies. In addition, she started a state-certified school training financial service representatives in reaction to what she saw as the lack of quality training available to insurance agents and NASD registered representatives.


As the WWW drew toward commercialization in 1994, Ms. Collins saw opportunity. She began buying intellectual property and eventually founded in November of 1997. For information regarding her accomplishments click here.