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Archive: Publications, Weekly Wrap




  "The Weekly Wrap" with Diane W. Collins
  Our weekly review of Washington, D.C. politics and its impact on the American people.






ARCHIVE: Publications, Weekly Wrap (for full text)




Weekly Wrap  
  "The Weekly Wrap" with Diane W. Collins
  SPECIAL EDITION, "Winning in Deep Blues: A Conservative Way Forward in 2012"
  October 28, 2010

Description: This four segment, special edition of "The Weekly Wrap" examines the outcome of three 2010 midterm elections and charts a better path forward for Republicans in 2012. Highlighted are Connecticut, Delaware, and California... three deep blue states. The lessons learned are still applicable... let's see if we can get it done in 2014.


Weekly Wrap 11-14-10  
  "The Weekly Wrap" with Diane W. Collins
  The Lame Duck Congress: Negotiate... Stalemate... Hijack?
  November 14, 2010

Description: The 2010 Lame Duck Congress gave us all some ready lessons for 2012... if we'd listen. This three part segment covers the time table, Bush tax cuts extension, and the Liberal Left's strategy... "blame Republicans."



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