Debt Crisis: "The Solution, Isn't"
August 4, 2011
12:12 pm, Central
Diane W. Collins
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Debt Crisis: "The Solution, Isn't"
The markets are showing they aren't buying the "solution" after the battle on the Hill over the debt ceiling increase. The general trend is a "flight to safety" as fears the economy will weaken further gain momentum. Perhaps one bright spot is the belief the United States will not default on its sovereign debt... at least not right now. Happy Birthday, President Obama.
There is an attempt to turn the public's eye from the controversy over the debt and deficit. It seems "jobs" take on an artificial priority in the administration when needed... the carrot of distraction from the problem that has the potential to prevent job creation. Rumors of more Fed intervention through quantitative easing surface. Printing more money and inflation are not the answer. More taxes, wasteful government spending, not the answer. The need to prop up a failing President as he seeks re-election, not the answer. But, this is what's going on and the American people are paying the price.
The reason we don't put in place solutions that create jobs like Texas enjoys is because we don't control the White House. There is no greater reason I know of to get involved in politics right now than the one before us... depression. The "D" word is ugly but we better start using it if we want to get serious about our fiscal situation and the uncertainty this ivory tower administration has laid before job creators.
Personally, I have thought about cashing in and doing the Ayn Rand thing. I hear the question, "Who is John Galt?" ringing in my ears and my shoulders are feeling the urge to shrug. But, my family's contribution to building this country as job creators and entrepreneurs rings just as loud. I'm not willing to give up the dream but unlike Daphne Taggart, I will not simply push forward. I am willing to work to clean out the Washington gridlock during this current administration's term. Not through the compromise of principles, but through negotiation on things less strategic within the "Super Committee" (like GAO's report on government waste) while we fight to elect more Conservatives in 2012. Let's be clear... gridlock will not be cleared on major issues while President Obama holds the White House. We will need to work on what we can accomplish during the interim if there is to be progress, albeit limited.
Our strategy for 2012 must also be clear. We must bypass the urge to support those who claim the conservative title but who are poorly vetted individuals with no chance of winning outside a primary in their given states. Our campaigns must be strategically planned contests with well chosen Conservative candidates residing in vulnerable Democrat's districts. (Don't moan.) This is the real "two-step process." We should not dilute what we already have in the Republican party. We should fight to increase our numbers in Congress by taking the seats of Democrats. Then, following this 2012 election our influence will have been increased and we will be in a position to take on those within our own party who refuse to serve the people. Be smart, winning is an intelligence game and we have what it takes!
Contact: Representatives, Contact: Senators
Further Reading:
THE WEEKLY WRAP with Diane W. Collins
Special Edition - "Debt Crisis: Battle on the Hill"
August 2, 2011
July 29, 2011
July 29, 2011
Debt Crisis: Rules Committee Meets on Tweaked Boehner Plan... Then on to House Floor.
July 29, 2011
Debt Crisis: Boehner's Revised Plan Expected to Pass the House and Move to the Senate
July 28, 2011
Debt Crisis: Boehner's Plan or Reid's Plan, "Who's Zoomin' Who?"
July 27, 2011
Debt Crisis: Republicans Prioritize Debt Payments, "Plan for Best, Prepare for Worst"
July 26, 2011
Debt Crisis: Boehner & Republican Leadership Introduce Two Step Plan While Reid Obfuscates
July 25, 2011
THE WEEKLY WRAP with Diane W. Collins
The Debt Crisis: Harry Reid - Author of Default?
Democrats Strategy Causes Negotiations to Breakdown
July 22, 2011
Debt Crisis: Senate GOP Overwhelmingly Supports HR 2560, "The Cut Cap and Balance Act of 2011"
July 21, 2011
Debt Crisis: Senate Debates HR 2560, "The Cut Cap and Balance Act of 2011"
July 21, 2011
July 20, 2011
Debt Crisis: House Passes HR 2560, The Cut, Cap and Balance Act of 2011
July 19, 2011
Debt Crisis: House Rules Committee Debates HR 2560, Cut, Cap, and Balance Act 2011
July 18, 2011
Debt Crisis: Is "McConnell Plus" the New "Slaughter Solution?"
July 18, 2011
The Debt Crisis: Republicans Work While Obama, Treasury, Dems & Liberal Media Demagogue
July 15, 2011
July 14, 2011
July 13, 2011
Debt Crisis: President Obama Holds Social Security Payments Hostage; McConnell Offers "Last Choice Option"
July 12, 2011
Debt Crisis: President Obama Addresses Nation After Sunday Debt Talks Produce No Results
July 11, 2011
THE WEEKLY WRAP with Diane W. Collins
The Debt Crisis: Raising the Debt Ceiling
July 8, 2011
July 7, 2011
July 6, 2011
July 5, 2011
THE WEEKLY WRAP with Diane W. Collins
Treasury Secretary Geithner & Raising the Debt Ceiling: "The Boy Who Cried Wolf?"
Friday, July 1, 2011
Weekly Wrap 7-1-11: TIMELINE - Debt Ceiling Debate