CPAC 2010: Conservative Political Action Conference: Day One


Publication Date: Feb. 18, 2010, CST

by Diane W. Collins


As an opening speaker, The Hon. Marco Rubio, US Senate candidate, (R) Florida absolutely hit one out of the park at CPAC 2010 as he spoke of his mother and father's immigrant family roots and the American dream they pursued for their children. Regarding so many in Congress, Mr. Rubio asked, "Why do they want us to become like everyone else? become like the countries whose people leave to come to America?" Mr. Rubio reminded the audience that only in America can the "employee" become the "employer," can the small business owner successfully compete with big business, and the company whose initial concept "was written on the back of a cocktail napkin" become a company listed on the NYSE.


But, Mr. Rubio warned we are in danger of becoming "just like everyone else." We are in danger of losing our exceptional standing. He listed a number of ways in which Americans can return the United States to responsible government including: reforming the tax code by reducing taxes across the board; eliminating abusive taxes like the "death tax;" and reducing corporate tax rates so Americans can compete in the global economy. Mr. Rubio stated we must stop "cap-and-trade" government regulation and trust our private companies to develop the energy innovations of tomorrow, keep government from taking control of the healthcare industry and implement simple changes that would produce the reform we need. And, finally to get serious about debt reform.


Mr. Rubio, initiated what has all the appearances of being an exceptional conference. Make sure you take advantage of the LIVE coverage on C-SPAN.


- -CPAC 2010- - 10:45 am, EST


Saving Freedom for Future Generations
Marriott Ballroom
Kevin McCullough and Stephen Baldwin, XPAC
Jason Mattera, Young America’s Foundation and author of Obama Zombies: How the Liberal Machine Brainwashed My Generation
Rep. Joshua Mandel (OH)

Jeff Frazee, Young Americans for Liberty


Empowering the younger generation of conservatives... "You don't have to get in line," was the mantra. The idea to just get out there and do what you know how to do... in technology, online, on campus and to feel empowered beyond the liberal professorial college environment was declared.


Jason Mattera proved to be the most dynamic speaker in this round. Mr. Mattera, Young America's foundation spokesman, contributor to Michelle Malkin's, "Hot Air" blog, is a new author whose first book, "Obama Zombies: How the Liberal Machine Brainwashed My Generation," is soon to be released. In an animated appeal to young conservatives, he quoted Milton Friedman, "The battle for freedom must be won over and over again." And in Mr. Mattera's own vernacular he stated, "Hey, jackass. Get your government off my freedom." Mr. Mattera went on to say there is a need to put "educated elbows into the rib cages of the Obama zombies."  


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12:30 pm, EST
Liz Cheney,
Marriott Ballroom
Introduction: David A. Keene, American Conservative Union


Ms. Cheney focused on clearing the rhetoric from the Obama agenda and stated his first year in office has given us a clear picture of who he really is. She stated Obama has proven...


1. He is not a centrist.

2. Does not believe in America's exceptionalism as he feels he must constantly apologize for our nation;

3. Is for expanded government as exemplified by government run healthcare and cap-and-trade;

4. Believes terrorists should be given Constitutional rights and would move them to American soil to be tried while at the same time investigating and potentially prosecuting those in the CIA who interrogated the terrorists.

5. Incapable of closing Guantanamo Bay (GTMO) as promised.

6. Wants to invest $200M in Illinois correction facility in order to transfer and house some of the most hardened criminals at GTMO on American soil. (Terrorists whose own countries refuse to accept them.)

7. Revealed America's enhanced interrogation procedures and failed for one year to follow up ensuring his administration had established new interrogation methods. (This led to questioned policy regarding the "underwear bomber.)


The Bush administration briefings on terror with the incoming Obama administration and the importance of "trained in Yemen" were laid out "for the benefit of Vice President Biden," as Ms. Cheney continued to make her points. She stated Brennan and Napolitano's surprise Al-Qaeda was operating in Yemen was tantamount to "needing a newspaper subscription." "That kind of incompetence gets people killed," Ms. Cheney said.


She concluded her remarks with Obama's own words during the 2008 campaign. Obama stated in lieu of experience his strong points were wisdom and judgment. "Wise men," Ms. Cheney said "don't send to civil court men who preach Jihad, or actively seek to bring Al-Qaeda to American soil, or read them Miranda rights... Wise men hire better people." She let the President Obama know there had been a high price paid for our right to speak and her message to Obama was, "You will never silence us."


Ms. Cheney surprised the audience with the introduction of her father, former VP, Dick Cheney who received resounding applause from the audience. Vice President Cheney told the crowd, "I think Obama is a one term president," and encouraged the younger generation of conservatives to speak out. The Vice President said, "It is a remarkable time to be an American and a remarkable time to be a conservative."


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Saving Freedom Through Technology: Growth of the Online Movement
Marriott Ballroom
Erick Erickson,
Jonathan Garthwaite,
Mark Tapscott, Washington Examiner
Tucker Carlson, The Daily Caller
Moderator: Robert Bluey, The Heritage Foundation

Colin Hanna, Let Freedom Ring


The basic premise of this panel was to encourage conservatives to become more familiar with how to communicate the conservative message online. It is widely known the use of the Internet by the Obama campaign during the 2008 campaign helped the Democrats win the election, and Eric Erickson of restated that fact. "...But, they can't govern," Mr. Erickson went on to say. "They didn't understand the miracle of the Internet. The ability to work anywhere." We would agree. The intense scrutiny available through 24/7 online media can be daunting for those who don't live up to their rhetoric. It hasn't been hard for conservatives to launch truth campaigns to circumvent the Obama victory. Mr. Erickson encouraged the audience to collaborate online and get a Twitter account. He said conservatives dominate radio and are equal to liberals online. "Air America has shut down and GTMO is still open," he said. "Collaborate online to beat the Left."


Jonathan Garthwaite, announced their alliance with Michelle Malkin's blog, "Hot Air" and spoke of the new research analysis the Internet has enabled. Think tanks, according to Mr. Garthwaite have gone from producing forty page research papers to a short format, condensed and zipped with the intent of being passed around. In 2005, Mr. Garthwaite said The Heritage Foundation, for whom he then worked produced ninety, thirty-two page reports compared to six hundred, two to four page analyses produced in 2009 as votes happened.



Mark Tapscott, Washington Examiner focused on why the Internet and the Internet generation would give new birth to the conservative movement. He cited the most important values of the generation as enumerated by a liberal author best known for his understanding of online demographics. The eight values are:


1. The freedom to do what they want, when they want, where they want, anytime they want.

2. an entrepreneurial spirit

3. customization

4. scrutiny, open, transparent

5. integrity, honesty

6. collaboration

7. speed, ability to do it now

8. innovation


"These also are the values of conservatives," Mr. Tapscott declared and emphasized the more the Internet generation sees who Obama really is evidenced by what Obama does... not by what he says, the more the Internet generation will turn to the conservative party.


Tucker Carlson, called upon conservatives to quit using the term "main stream media" stating it inferred preferential bias toward traditional media sources such as newspapers and television. He suggested "Drudge" and Michelle Malkin's blog, "Hot Air" presented news in a way that makes you "want to read it." He stated online news outlets "have to be interesting in order to succeed." (Gee, Tucker... real news flash there.) Mr. Carlson did go on to say that you should do what you think is right online. Present your point of view. Believe in what you do. With that, we whole heartedly agree. Passion for what you do always wins.


During the Q&A some interesting suggestions were made. The audience was encouraged to find five others and start a blog, write about local politics and restricted spending, ask questions politicians don't want to answer, and be informed. Take the time to learn the issues.


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Hon. Mitt Romney
Marriott Ballroom
Introduction: Dr. Jay Sekulow, American Center for Law and Justice



Rep. Thaddeus McCotter (MI)
Marriott Ballroom
Introduction: Robert Davi, Actor and Director




Saving Freedom from a Big Government Agenda: Liberate to Stimulate
Marriott Ballroom
Peter Wallison,
American Enterprise Institute
Matt Kibbe,
Rep. Scott Garrett (NJ)

Moderator: Fred Smith, Competitive Enterprise Institute



Saving Freedom from The Enemies of Our Values
Marriott Ballroom
Phyllis Schlafly, Eagle Forum
Janice Shaw Crouse, author of Children at Risk
Eric Metaxas, Socrates in the City
Tim Goeglein, Focus on the Family Action

Terry Jeffrey,



Leader John Boehner (OH)
Marriott Ballroom



Wayne LaPierre, Executive VP and CEO,

National Rifle Association (NRA)
Marriott Ballroom




Marriott Ballroom
Master of Ceremonies: Rep. Marsha Blackburn (TN)
Presentation of John M. Ashbrook Award

Presentation of Charlton Heston Courage Under Fire Award

SPEAKER: George F. Will


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The CPAC 2010 conference will reconvene tomorrow, February 19th. For additional information check the CPAC agenda.
















Further reading: